
中2英語の無料問題 英語











単元ニューホライズンニュークラウンサンシャインHere we go
1未来形・文型(4)接続詞・May I未来形・接続詞過去形・過去進行形
4助動詞・動名詞文型(4・5)比較there is, 文型(4)
接続詞if, 不定詞
is sure thatの文
is sure that の文

・there is の文、過去形・過去進行形は、こちらをご覧ください。

there is の文







・不定詞の it is 形容詞 to do の文は、こちらをご覧ください。


・call 人 名前、などは、こちらをご覧ください。





I (         )(         )(        )(         ) to school on Saturday.
(        ) he (          )(         )(          ) the next game?
It (         )(          ) tomorrow.
He (          )(          ) his room.
(           )(         ) you (           )(         )(          ) next Sunday?


□10 私たちは来月コンサートをする予定です。








(          ) you (           ) the window?
He (       )(       )(       )(        )(       ) a bike by tomorrow.
We (          )(         )(          ) home.
You (           )(           ) traffic rules.
You (          )(         )(         )(           ) a video game.
He (        )(          ) late for the meeting.
You (          )(         ) Okinawa.
(         ) you (         ) me the way to the station?
(        ) you (        ) some tea?
□10 午後映画を見ませんか。
(        )(       )(       ) a movie in the afternoon?








I (        )(         )(          ) he (         ) a doctor.
I (        )(        ) he was in the hospital.
(         ) I (        ) home, he (         )(         ) dinner.
(        ) you (        ) free tomorrow, (         ) you (         ) shopping?
I (         ) my teeth (        ) I (       ) to bed.
(        ) his children (       ) to bed, he (        ) his work.
I think (         ) we (         ) have a cat (         ) we don’t (         )(         ) walk it.


□10 私は毎日本を読むので、私は国語が好きです。








His work is (        )(         ) the dishes.
I (          )(        )(         ) a nurse in the future.
They (         ) soccer every day (         )(           ) the game.
I’m (         )(       )(         ) my homework.
I have a lot of books (        )(         ) during the summer vacation.


□6もう一杯コーヒーが欲しいのですが。(another cup of )
□7彼女は自力でコンピュータを作ろうとしました。(by herself )
□10 金子は私に魚を料理する方法を教えました。








His work is (          ) the dishes.
He (         )(         ) for the game.
It (         )(         ) before I left school.
She is (         )(        )(          ).
I’m (          ) forward (         )(          ) you.


□10 その喫茶店で休憩してはどうですか。( coffee shop )







□1I finished (       ) lunch before he came here.
A to eat  B eating   C some   D all

□2His hobby is (       ) the guitar.
A playing  B played  C having played   D pray

□3He is (    1     ) at (    2     )  pictures.
A 1 interesting  2 writing   B 1 interested   2 painting
C 1 good   2 writing         D 1 good   2 painting

□4(   1   ) he arrived at the post office, it (   2   ).
A 1 if     2 is raining          B 1 when   2 was raining
C 1 if     2 rains                D 1 when   2  rain

□5I think that you (    1    ) a dog (   2    ) it is friendly.
A 1 may have  2 when    B 1 must have    2 because
C 1 can have   3 when    D 1 should have  2 because

□6I (    1     ) to Hokkaido (    2     ) in the mountain.
A 1 want     2 skiing         B 1 gone     2 climbing
C 1 went     2 to ski         D 1 going     2 to climb

□7If you are (   1   ) tomorrow, (   2   ) go to our concert?
A 1 busy    2 shall we        B 1 sad    2 can I
C 1 free     2 can you         D 1 happy   2 may I

□8There (    1    ) much time (    2     ).
A 1 is      2 to sleep        B 1 are    2 to study
C  1 is      3 to drink        D 1 are    2 to enjoy



I’m (          ) forward (         )(          ) him.
He’s (        )(         )(          ) curry.
She (         )(         )(          ) in Canada.
She (        )(        ) a great scientist.
You (        )(        )(       )(         ) a uniform.
(        )(        ) you (        )(        )(          ) for dinner?
He (       ) me (        )(        ) catch fish.
He (       ) ride a bike (        ) he was a child.



( visit / finish / Okinawa / because / he / to / has to / tomorrow / his homework ).
( the collage / to be / to go / wanted / a nurse / she / decided / to ).
( be / read / aloud / every day / English / if / you / you / , / will / can / to speak / it / able ).
( a new / in / need / something / to live / they / house ).
( couldn’t / but / tired / tried / understand. / to / speak / they / English. / she )
( likes / not / painting / collecting / but / he’s / he / them / pictures, / at / interested / good ).



□4もう一杯コーラはいかがですか。( another glass of )









He (          )(          ).
(           )(          ).
I (        )(          ).
She (          ) a nurse.
She (        )(         ).










Suzu is (          )(          ) Alice.
This river is (          )(         ) that one.
Tao is (          )(         )(         ) Honoka.
I like (         )(          )(          )(          ).
He is (       )(        )(         )(         ) his class.
English is (       )(         )(          )(        ) all subjects.
What sport do you like (        )(          )?
(         ) do you like (         ), oranges or grapes?
He’s (         )(         ) tall (         ) a giraffe.
□10 できるだけはやく宿題を終わらせてください。
Please finish your homework (        )(           )(         )(              ).








My pudding (          )(           ).
This book (         )(         )(         ) her.
The shoes (         )(        ) to me (        ) him.
Where (          ) her bag (          )?
I (        )(          ) with this story.
This bread (        )(        )(         ) rice flour.
The concert (        )(       )(        ) in Osaka.
He (       )(        )(        ) 2010.


□10 この写真はシンガポール(Singapore)でとられました。








I (         )(        )(          ) lunch.
(         ) you (          ) the test (          )?
I’ve (          )(          )(          ) foreign countries.
(        )(       )(       ) you (         ) Okinawa?
I (       )(          ) in the hospital (          ).
He (        )(           ) judo (          ) ten years.
She (        )(         ) the piano (         ) she was a child.
(          )(         )(           ) you (         ) here?
I (        )(          )(         ) for you (        ) this morning.
□10 あなたはどのくらいの間泳いでいますか。
(         )(         )(          ) you (         )(          )?







He (         )(         ) the gold medal.
She (         )(          ) today.
My brother is (         )(         ) I.
This book is (         )(           )(           ) that one.
Mt. Fuji is (         )(           )(            )(         ) Japan.
He is (        )(         )(           )(          ) the five singers.
What (        ) do you like (          )(            )?
This novel (          )(            )(           ) her.
I’m (            )(          ) drawing pictures.
□10 このパンは米粉から作られています。
This bread (        )(          )(          ) rice flour.



□1I (    1    ) Sydnee (    2     ).
A 1 went to                2 two times       B 1 have gone to   2 three times
C 1 have been going   2 two times       D 1 have been to   2 three times

□2I (  1   ) finished my homework (   2   ).
A 1 have      2 before         B 1 haven’t         2 yet
C 1 haven’t   2 since          D 1 have never   2 since

□3A present (    1    ) to her (   2    ).
A 1 will give      2 by her father        B 1 was gave     2 from her father
C 1 was given   2 by her father        D 1 has gave     3 from her father

□4She (   1   ) a doll  (   2   ).
A 1 was bought      2 by her parents     B 1 brought      2 in her parents
C 1 was brought     2 on her parents     D 1 bought       2 from her parents

□5He is (  1   ) player (   2   ) our team.
A 1 the better       2 in                 B 1 the most famous    2 of
C 1 the best         2 in                 D 1 more famous         2 than

□6(  1   ) do you like (  2   ), Nami or Kei?
A 1 who tennis player     2 well     B 1 which tennis player    2 better
C 1 whose tennis player  2 best    D 1 whose tennis player   2 best

□7How (  1   ) have you (  2  ) Okinawa?
A 1 long    2 been to          B 1 often      2 been to
C 1 long    3 visited to        D 1 many times     2 visited to

□8(   1     ) practiced the piano (   2   ) she was three years old.
A 1 She’s       2 once          B 1 She’ve        2 for
C 1 She’s       2 since         D 1 She has      2 when

□9She’s (   1    ) famous (   2   ) Aimyon.
A 1 not more       2 as      B 1 not as       2 as
C 1 not most       2 than   D 1 not more   2 from

□10 Who’s (   1  ) singer (   2   ) the four?
A 1 more popular   2 than    B 1 the most popular    2 in
C 1 more popular   2 as       D 1 the most popular    2 of



( player / she’s / our team / of / the best / in ).
(  comic artist / he’s / in / the five / the most / of / famous ).
( wood / made / this house / of / is / from ).
( are / with / the mountains / snow / filled / covered ).
( many singers / sang / sung / by / his song / is ).
( around the world / this novel / is / known / people / by / to )?
( this country / spoken / what language / in / is / by )?
( she / it / when / happy / heard / looked / sounded / she ).
( showed / his family / us / he / a picture / was / of ).
□10 彼は2時間ここで待っています。
( waiting / for / he / here / was / two hours / has been ).













1 I am going to go to school on Saturday.
2 Is he going to join the next game?
3 It will rain tomorrow.
4 He won’t clean his room.
5 What are you going to do next Sunday?
6 They are going to arrive in Japan today.
7 Will you cook dinner tomorrow?
8 I won’t forget you.
9 Where will she go this weekend?
10 We’re going to have a concert next month.




1 Can you open the window? ( Will you open the window? )
2 He will be able to ride a bike by tomorrow.
3 We have to go home.
4 You mustn’t break traffic rules.
5 You don’t have to play a video game.
6 He may be late for the meeting.
7 You should visit Okinawa.
8 Could you tell me the way to the station?
9 Would you like some tea?
10 Shall we watch ( see ) a movie in the afternoon?




1 I don’t think that he is a doctor.
2 I heard that he was in the hospital.
3 When I got home, he was eating dinner.
4 If you are free tomorrow, can you go shopping?
5 I brush my teeth before I go to bed.
6 After his children go to bed, he begins his work.
7 I think that we should have a cat because we don’t have to walk it.
8 He couldn’t swim when he was a child. ( When he was a child, he wasn’t able to swim. )
9 If it rains tomorrow, let’s watch a movie. ( Shall we watch a movie if it rains tomorrow. )
* if の後にはwillを入れません。
10 Because I read books every day, I like Japanese. ( I like Japanese because I read books every day. )




1 His work is to wash ( do ) the dishes.
2 I want to be a nurse in the future.
3 They practice soccer every day to win the game.
4 I’m sad to forget my homework.
5 I have a lot of books to read during the summer vacation.
6 I would like to have another cup of coffee.
7 She tried to make a computer by herself.
8 I study English hard to study in Canada.
9 He asked me what to do.
10 Kaneko told me how to cook fish.




1 His work is washing ( doing ) the dishes.
2 He stopped paying for the game.
3 It began raining before I left school.
4 She is good at surfing.
5 I’m looking forward to seeing you. * look forward to doing : ~するのを楽しみにする
6 He’s interested in making a video game.
7 I enjoyed talking with her yesterday.
8 I’ll finish reading the book by tomorrow.
9 Thank you for helping me.
10 How about taking a rest at the coffee shop?




1 I finished eating lunch before he came here. B
2 His hobby is playing the guitar. A
3 He is good at painting pictures. D
4 When he arrived at the post office, it was raining. B
5 I think that you should have a dog because it is friendly. D
6 I went to Hokkaido to ski in the mountain. C
7 If you are free tomorrow, can you go to our concert?  C
8 There is much time to sleep. A


1 I’m looking forward to seeing him.
2 He’s good at cooking curry.
3 She decided to study in Canada.
4 She may be a great scientist.
5 You don’t have to wear a uniform.
6 What are you going to eat for dinner?
7 He told me how to catch fish.
8 He couldn’t ride a bike when he was a child.


1 He has to finish his homework to visit Okinawa tomorrow.
2 She decided to go to the collage to be a nurse.
3 If you read English aloud, you will be able to speak it.
4 They need a new house to live in.
5 She tried to speak English. But they couldn’t understand.
6 He like collecting pictures, but he’s not good at painting them.


1 She is interested in playing soccer.
2 Could you tell me how to use a computer?
3 When I arrived home, my brother enjoyed playing a new video game.
4 Would you like another glass of cola?
5 If you are busy tomorrow, you don’t have to help us.
6 I have a lot of DVDs to watch by today.
7 I’d love to join the soccer team.
8 We have to finish our homework because we visit Okinawa tomorrow.




1 He looks cool.
2 Sounds fun.
3 I feel sick.  *I feel bad. ごめんね、という意味
4 She became a nurse.
5 She got sad.
6 He bought his children some toys.
7 He showed me his new car.
8 I’ll lend my brother the bike.
9 She’ll make you a cake.
10 I gave her a present.




1 Suzu is younger than Alice.
2 This river is longer than that one.
3 Tao is more popular than Honoka.
4 I like cats better than dogs.
5 He is the tallest student in his class.
6 English is the most useful of all subjects.
7 What sport do you like the best?
8 Which do you like better, oranges or grapes?
9 He’s not as tall as a giraffe.
10 Please finish your homework as soon as possible.




1 My pudding was eaten.
2 This book was written by her.
3 The shoes were given to me by him.
4 Where was her bag lost?
5 I was impressed with this story.
6 This bread is made from rice flour.
7 The concert will be held in Osaka.
8 He was born in 2010.
9 My dog was found in the park.
10 This picture was taken in Singapore.




1 I have just eaten lunch.
2 Have you passed the test yet?
3 I’ve never been to foreign countries.
4 How often have you visited Okinawa?
5 I have been in the hospital twice.
6 He has practiced judo for ten years.
7 She has learned the piano since she was a child.
8 How long have you lived here?
9 I have been waiting for you since this morning.
10 How long have you been swimming?




1 He showed me the gold medal.
2 She looked happy today.
3 My brother is taller than I.
4 This book is more interesting than that one.
5 Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan.
6 He is the most popular of the five singers.
7 What fruit do you like the best?
8 This novel was written by her.
9 I’m interested in drawing pictures.
10 This bread is made from rice flour.


1 I have been to Sydnee three times. D
私は3回シドニーに行ったことがあります。*have been to : 行ったことがある
2 I haven’t finished my homework yet. B
3 A present was given to her by her father. C
能動態:Her father gave her a present.
2つ目の目的語 a present を主語にした文です。
4 She was bought a doll by her parents. A
能動態:Her parents bought her a doll.
1つ目の目的語 her を主語にした文です。
5 He is the best player in our team. C
6 Which tennis player do you like better, Naomi or Kei? B
7 How often have you been to Okinawa? B
*how long: 時間の長さ、how many times :具体的な回数
8 She’s practiced the piano since she was three years old. C
彼女は3歳のときからピアノを練習しています。*She’s = She has
継続では、since: ~以来、for :~の間、を使います。
9 She’s not as famous as Aimyon. B
A is not as ~ as B: AはBほど~ではない。A is not more ~ than B: AはBより~ではない。
意味はほぼ同じですが、more ~ than がセットです。
10 Who’s the most popular singer of the four? D



1 She’s the best player in our team.
2 He’s the most famous comic artist of the five.
3 This house is made of wood.
4 The mountains are covered with snow.
5 His song is sung by many singers.
6 Is this novel known to people around the world?
7 What language is spoken in this country?
8 She looked happy when she heard it.
9 He showed us a picture of his family.
10 He has been waiting here for two hours.



1 He looks younger than his age.
2 She has been cooking for two hours.
3 English is spoken in this country.
4 He is the tallest in his class.
5 Moka gets up earlier than Mone.




