中1英語まとめ問題プリント(I am~過去進行形)

中1英語無料問題まとめ 英語







New Crownでは未来形まで入りますが、未来形はこちらをご覧ください。





□1 cat     ( A cake   B apron   C apple   D angel )
□2  box   ( A October   B open     C orange      D hot  )
□3  uncle   ( A umbrella  B unicycle   C the U.S.   D use )
□4  ink  (  A idol   B time   C five   D guitar )
□5  elevator  (  A make   B eat   C egg   D tea )

問6、cat, box, uncle, ink, elevator, に共通する音のとくちょうは何ですか。



dog, cat, cake,  flute, goal, hat, ink, lunch, piano, roof, zoo,


□8 maththree,  brother,  birthday,
□9 ball,  bath,   volleyball,  ballet,
□10  lunch, ring,  call,   light,



I am, You areの文



(        ) Kumi.
(           ) friendly.
(          ) you (           ) Australia?
(          )(           ) you (             )?
(          )(          ) Jim.


□10 あなたは新入生ですか。


I am, You areの無料問題




I (           )(             ).
I (           ) a (            ) for you.
(         ) you (           ) Japanese?
(         )(        ) you (            )?
I (          )(           ) natto.


□10 あなたはいつテレビを見ますか。






I (          )(           ) math.
I (          )(            ) the piano every day.
(          ) you (           ) a smart phone?
I (          )(          ) the box.
I (          )(          ) dinner.


□10 私はイヌを洗うことができません。








□1 これは私のカバンです。
This (        )(         ) bag.
(       ) cat (         )(            ).
(          )(           ) this?
(           )(           ) my bike?
(        ) father (          )(          ) teacher.
(         )(          ) that girl?


□7 この赤いペンは私のものです。
□8 彼女たちはあなたの姉妹ですか。
□9 これはだれのカバンですか。
□10 ケンと私はサッカーファンです。






My sister (           ) the guitar after (         ).
(          ) your brother (           ) this book?
My sister (           )(           )(          ) early in the morning.
They (          ) soccer in the park.
(          )(            ) he (            )?


□10 誰がその部屋を掃除しますか。







This is (        ) aunt. (        )(           ) well. I like (          ).
This is (       ) uncle. (        )(         ) sushi well. I like (          ).
(         ) are my friends. (         )(         ) soccer well. I like (            ).
This is (         ) house. That is (             ) too.
This is (        ) homework. That homework is (            ) too.
This is (         ) dinner. That dish is (          ) too.


□7(      ) their mother play tennis?
1 are 2 is 3 do 4 does 5 be
□8 I play tennis with (         ).
1 her 2 your 3 his 4 its 5 they
□9 (       ) my notebooks cute?
1 is 2 are 3 am 4 do 5 does
□10 Tom and I are in the same class. (        ) teacher is kind.
1 his 2 my 3 our 4 their 5 your






(           )(          ) those?
(          )(          ) the dishes?
(          ) is my bag?
It’s (          ) the desk.
(          )(          ) you study?
(          )(          ) is this?
(          )(          ) is yours, the (        )(          )(         ) the (          )(           )?
(         )(          )(           ) do you read in a month?
(        )(           )(         ) you get up every day?
□10 あなたはなぜ英語を勉強しますか。
(         )(         ) you (            ) English?



There is の文




There (          )(           )(             ) in the park.
There (         )(          )(            ) in the bottle.
There (         )(         )(        )(         ) flowers (          )(          ).
There (        )(         ) movie theaters in my town.
(          )(           ) hospitals (           ) there (          ) your house?


□10 あなたの町にはいくつか美しい場所がありますか。


there is の無料問題はこちら!




He (        )(          ) to the hospital now.
(          ) you (          ) the computer now?
They (          )(             ) in the park now.
(         ) she (          ) a letter now?
(          )(          ) you (           ) now?









He (          ) English yesterday.
She (          ) a movie (           ) night.
I (           ) in front of the shop.
We (         ) a good time yesterday.
She (        ) him in the park.
My father (           ) to Osaka two years (          ).
(          ) you (          ) snacks before dinner?
(         )(         ) you (          )(          ) weekend?
He (          )(         ) pictures yesterday.
□10 彼女はその本を読みませんでした。
She (         )(          ) the book.






I (        ) an elementary school pupil (         ) year.
There (         ) two puddings in the fridge yesterday.
(        ) he in the classroom yesterday?
They (          ) busy yesterday.
(           )(           ) your trip?


□10 彼は2か月前バスケットボール部にいました。






He (        )(          ) a video game then.
She (        )(         ) on the couch then.
They (         )(           ) yesterday.
(           )(            ) you (            ) yesterday?
(          ) you (           ) your homework then?


□10 彼らはそのときコンピュータを使っていましたか。










□1kind (           )    □2friendly (                )    □3new (              )
□4student (            )   □5teacher (              )   □6Thanks (              )
□7have (           )    □8practice (             )     □9Sure (               )
□10 tomorrow (              )   □11 during (              )    □12 picture (            )
□13 take a bath (              )   □14 read (              )    □15 clean (             )



□1洗う(     ) □2開ける(     )  □3飲む(     )
□4走る(     ) □5泳ぐ(     )   □6勉強する(     )
□7散歩する(    ) □8使う(     )  □9話す(     )
□10 すばらしい時間をすごす (             )(        )(           )(            )
□11 ~しましょう (           )   □12 見る (            )    □13 おどる (           )
□14 しばしば (          )    □15 AからZまで (          ) A (         ) Z



□1 can   (  A cake   B day    C apron  D dance )
□2 gym (  A game   B jam   C great   D good )
□3 city  (  A climb   B cloudy   C speak   D cake )
□4 use  (  A cute   B curry   C under   D uncle )
□5 roof  (  A cook   B wool   C moon   D book )
□6 idol  (  A ink   B bike    C city   D with )



(         ) from the U.S.
(         ) you a (            )(            ).
(           )(          ) you from?
I (         ) math (          ) dinner.
I (          ) soccer in the (            ) (            ) school.
(           ) you (          ) five (            )?
(          )(          ) you (            ) in the library?
(         )(          ) you (           )?
I (           )(           ) so fast.
□10 私はあなたとすばらしい時間をすごします。
I (          ) (        )(          )(          ) with you.



(          ), everyone.
(         ) Yumi.
(        ) you (           ) sports?
I (          ) basketball.
I (         ) make three-point shoot (           ).
I (         ) (          )  the basketball team now.
I want to (          ) the next (          ).
(           )(          ).



□10 あなたたちはサッカー部ですか。







My brother (          ) a comic book (              ) Wednesdays.
We (           ) the flute (             ) school.
(          )(         )(         ) you (          ) home?
There (         ) a new park (          )(          ).
(           )(          ) is this?
It’s (           )(             ). She (           )(           ) there now.
(           )(           ) dogs (           ) you have?
(          )(          ) students (         )(          ) in your class?
(          )(         ) he use a computer?
□10 なぜあなたは毎日公園で走るのですか。
(        )(         ) you (         ) in the park?



He (          )(          ) to the library, and (          ) some comic books.
He (         )(         ) now. (          )(           ) to (           ).
They (          )(            ) basketball in the gym now.
(          )(           ) they (           ) basketball in the gym?
My sister (          )(          )(             ) her room.
He (          )(            ) his mother now.
(          )(          ) a bath now?
(          ) she (          ) her homework (            ) dinner?
My sister (            )(          ) home (          ) seven (         ) the evening.
□10 彼は今何をしていますか。
(          )(          ) he (            ) now?



□1I know (         ).
A he  B his  C him  D he’s
□2(    1     ) sister is kind to (    2    ). I like (     3    )
A 1 me   2 my   3 she    B 1 my   2 his   3 her
C 1 my   2 me   3 hers   D 1 my   2 me  4 her
□3(    1    ) and his brother are friendly. I like (  2    ).
A 1 you 2 him   B 1 he   2 them
C 1 she 2 her    D 1 I     2 us
□4(    1   ) teacher is kind to everyone. I like (    2   ).
A 1 his   2 you   B 1 our    2 her
C 1 his   2 us     D 1 our   2 them
□5(   1   ) notebook is (     2   ), the blue one or the red one?
A 1 which   2 his    B 1 whose   2 her
C 1 which   3 our   D 1 Whose   2 them
□6(   1   ) dog is (   2   ), the black one or the brown one?
A 1 which   2 them     B 1 whose  2 yours
C 1 which   2 hers      D 1 whose  2 ours
□7(   1   ) brother can play the piano well. (  2   ) want to listen to (   3   ) performance.
A 1 me   2 we   3 him    B 1 my    2 I     3 her
C 1 her   2 I      3 our    D 1 your   2 we   3 his



( my / camping / uncle / goes / often ).
( any / my town / there / zoos / aren’t / in ).
( see / brother / the park / often / now. / your / I / is / him / in / running ).
( get / mother / time / home / does / your / what )?
( many / read / in a month / she / how / does / books)?
( supermarkets / near / there / any / are / your house )?
( for lunch / you / having / what / are )?








(         ) a new student.
You (         ) a new student (          )(          ).
My sister (         ) a student (         )(          ). But (          ) a nurse (          ).
(        ) they busy now?
There (          ) some apple juice (         ) the fridge.
He (          )(              ) among young people (            )(            )(           ).
(          ) towel (        )(        ), the yellow (        )(        ) the blue (          )?
(         ) the weather (        ) Osaka today?
(          ) pictures (           )(           )?
□10 昨日あなたはどこにいましたか。
(         )(          ) you (              )?



I (         ) my room (        )(            ).
(          ) sport (          ) you (          )(            ) school?
He (         )(          ) any dogs.
She (           ) math (          )(            ).
We (          ) to the library (          )(          ).
(         )(        ) you (         ) for lunch?
He (        ) a cat (         )(         )(          ).
I (         ) them at the station (           ).
(          )(          ) you (         ) a new racket?
□10 彼女は昨日何冊本を読みましたか。
(         )(         ) books (         ) she (          )(          )?
She (         ) three books in the shop and (          ) them (           ).
(        )(         ) the dishes (           ) dinner?



I (       )(          ) in the park.
He (        )(         ) a bath at that time.
She (       )(          ) baseball now.
(         )(          ) you (         ) in his room at that time?
My brother (         )(          ) now.
I (        )(        ) some foreign dramas on TV at that time.
She (        ) him last night. But he (         )(         ) a game at that time.
They (         )(          ) in the pool now.



□1Thanks (        ) talking.
A to  B for   C on   D in
□2I’m 13 (        ).
A days ago   B years ago  C years old  D years young
□3Look (       ) my notebooks.
A on  B up  C like  D at
□4(  1    ) play basketball (   2   ) tomorrow.
A 1 Please   2 with         B Let’s       2 with
C 1 Let’s    2 together   D Doesn’t   2 together
□5I like zombie movies. How (         ) you?
A are  B of    C many    D about
□6You can (      ) with your friends.
A have a fun  B enjoying   C have a good time   D enjoys
□7He can jump (   1   ) tree (   2   ) tree.
A 1 on   2 to     B 1 from   2 on
C 1 from  2 to   D 1 on    2 for
□8(  1  ) I (   2   ) a cheeseburger and a large cola, please?
A 1 do  2 eat     B 1 can  2 drink
C 1 do  3 take   D 1 can  2 have
□9He’s a (      ) singer.
A quiet   B useful   C famous   D important
□10 He (      ) the street every day.
A stands on   B watches on  C runs   D same job
□11 She (  1   ) her job.
A is good at           B is proud of
C is popular with    D has a great time
□12 Some Americans (  1  ) shoes at home (   2  ).
A 1 don’t put on    2 these days   B 1 don’t wear   2 nowadays
C 1 don’t take off  2 now             D 1 don’t wear  2 last year
□13 He (  1   ) 5 kilometers to school. It (  2   ) hour.
A 1 walks  2 keep a        B 1 runs   2 take  one
C 1 walks  2 keeps a       D 1 runs   2 takes an
□14 Their parents (   1   ) pray (   2  ) their safety.
A 1 always   2 on         B 1 usually         2 of
C 1 often     2 at          D 1 sometimes   2 for
□15 (  1   ) the escalator and go up to the (  2   ) floor.
A 1 Take   2 second     B 1 ride   2 two
C 1 Use    2 two          D 1 ride   2 second
□16 (  1  ) left, and you (  2  ) the flower shop.
A 1 Turn    2 can see    B 1 Go   2 can look
C 1 Bend   2 can see    D 1 Turn 2 can watch
□17 For (  1  ), there are (   2   ) in Australia.
A 1 here    2 many animals     B 1 example   2 many animals
C 1 reason 2 beautiful place    D 1 because   2 beautiful site
□18 I can (  1  ) you (   2   ).
A 1 see    2 round     B 1 guide   2 it
C 1 show 2 around   D 1 sound   2 aloud
□19 I can (   1   ) the sound. (   2  ) the TV then.
A 1 hear   2 turn up      B 1 hear   2 turn off
C 1 listen  2 turn down  D 1 listen  2 turn on
□20 Iceland (      ) hot springs.
A is popular with   B is good at
C is famous for     D is proud of



( with / the bed / a terrible / broke / sound).
( the end of / to / we / the slope / came ).
( other / have / did / any / you / experiences )?
( all / can / I / outside / play / day ).
( the trip / I / only / a koala / during / found / once ).
( mashed potatoes / you / making / are )?
( him / do / know / about / you / anything )?
( the answer / you / the book/ find / in / can ).
( his sister / across / he / swims / the river / with ).
□10 彼女はバスケットボール部の1員です。
( the / a / She’s / of / team / member / basketball ).








1 C apple, 2 D hot, 3 A umbrella, 4 D guitar, 5 C egg,

6 C 短母音の音 日本語のローマ字に近いのは、ink とelevatorだけ。

7 pi-a-no 英語1音は、子音+母音+子音のかたまりです。cake, flute,のeは読まないので、1音です。

8 brother,  9 volleyball, 10 ring,




I am, You areの解答


1 I’m Kumi.
2 You’re friendly.
3 Are you from Australia?
4 Where are you from?
5 I’m not Jim.
6 I’m Ami.
7 Are you from the U.S. ( America )?
8 No, I’m from New Zealand.
9 I’m not Mr. Baker.
10 Are you a new student?




1 I like tennis.
2 I have a question for you.
3 Do you study Japanese?
4 When do you run?
5 I don’t eat natto.
6 I clean my room.
7 Do you wash the dishes after dinner?
8 I play basketball too. ( I also play basketball.)
9 I don’t drink coffee.
10 When do you watch TV?




1 I can study math.
2 I can practice the piano every day.
3 Can you use a smart phone?
4 I can’t ( cannot) open the box.
5 I can’t ( cannot ) cook dinner.
6 I can play the guitar well.
7 I can cook an egg ( eggs ).
8 Can you open the window?
9 Can you run fast?
10 I can’t ( cannot ) wash my dog.




1 This is my bag.
2 My cat is cute.
3 What is this?
4 Where is my bike?
5 My father is a teacher.
6 Who is that girl?
7 This red pen is mine.
8 Are they your sisters?
9 Whose bag is this?
10 Ken and I are soccer fans. *fansのsを忘れないでね。




1 My sister plays the guitar after school.
2 Does your brother read this book?
3 My sister doesn’t get up early in the morning.
4 They practice soccer in the park. *theyの文は動詞にs, esをつけない。
5 Where does he study?
6 Does she have any pets?
7 They don’t speak Japanese.
8 My grandmother doesn’t use a computer.
9 He dances well. But he doesn’t sing a song well.
10 Who cleans the room?




1 This is her aunt. She cooks well. I like her.
2 This is his uncle. He makes sushi well. I like him.
3 They are my friends. They play soccer well. I like them.
4 This is their house. That is theirs too.
5 This is your homework. That homework is yours too.
6 This is Ken’s dinner. That dish is Ken’s too.

7 Does their mother play tennis? 4
8 I play tennis with her. 1
9 Are my notebooks cute? 2
10 Tom and I are in the same class. Our teacher is kind. 3




1 What are those?
2 Who washes ( does ) the dishes?
3 Where is my bag?
4 It’s by the desk.
5 When do you study?
6 Whose book is this?
7 Which bag is yours, the blue one or the white one?
8 How many books do you read in a month?
9 What time do you get up every day?
10 Why do you study English?


There is の解答


1 There are two children in the park.
2 There isn’t any water in the bottle.
3 There are a lot of flowers over there.
4 There aren’t any movie theaters in my town.
5 How many hospitals are there near your house?
6 There are five dogs in my house.
7 There are two umbrellas by my desk.
8 There are not any high schools around here.
9 How many students are there in your school?
10 Are there any beautiful places in your town?




1 He is going to the hospital now.
2 Are you using the computer now?
3 They aren’t running in the park now.
4 Is she writing a letter now?
5 What are you doing now?

6 He’s watching ( seeing) a movie now.
7 She is cooking tempura now.
8 I’m studying math now.
9 He isn’t swimming in the sea now.
10 What is he making now?




1 He studied English yesterday.
2 She watched a movie last night.
3 I stopped in front of the shop.
4 We had a good time yesterday.
5 She saw him in the park.
6 My father went to Osaka two years ago.
7 Did you eat snacks before dinner?
8 What did you do last weekend?
9 He didn’t take pictures yesterday.
10 She didn’t read the book.




1 I wan an elementary school pupil last year.
2 There were two puddings in the fridge yesterday.
3 Was he in the classroom yesterday?
4 They weren’t busy yesterday.
5 How was your trip?

6 Were you in the library?
7 We were busy last night.
8 Where were you yesterday?
9 You were a student ten years ago.
10 He was in the basketball team two months ago.




1 He was playing a video game then.
2 She was sleeping on the couch then.
3 They weren’t studying yesterday.
4 What were you doing yesterday?
5 Were you doing your homework then?

6 We were cleaning after the party.
7 What were you doing at ten last night?
8 He was running in the park.
9 She wasn’t reading a book.
10 Were they using a computer then?




1 親切な 2 親しみやすい 3 新しい 4 生徒 5 先生 6 ありがとう
7 持つ 8 練習する 9 いいですよ 10 明日 11 ~の間 12 絵・写真
13 ふろに入る 14 読む 15 そうじする



1 wash, 2 open, 3 drink, 4 run, 5 swim, 6 study, 7 walk,
8 use, 9 speak, 10 have a great time, 11 let’s, 12 watch,
13 dance, 14 often, 15 from A to Z,



1 D dance, 2 B jam, 3 C speak, 4 A use, 5 C moon, 6 B bike,



1 I’m from the U.S.
2 Are you a new student?
3 Where are you from?
4 I study math before dinner.
5 I practice soccer in the park after school.
6 Can you eat five apples?
7 When do you study in the library?
8 What can you cook?
9 I can’t ( cannot ) swim so fast.
10 I have a great time with you.



1 Hello, everyone.
2 I’m Yumi.
3 Do you like sports?
4 I love basketball.
5 I can make three-point shoot well.
6 I am in the basketball team now.
7 I want to win the next game.
8 Thank you.



1 I’m not a new student.
2 I don’t take a bath before dinner.
3 I can’t ( cannot ) open the door.
4 I eat three apples.
5 I have two dogs.
6 I can’t ( cannot ) drink coffee.
7 I’m a soccer fan.
8 Do you speak English?
9 You’re friendly.
10 Are you in the soccer team?




1 My brother buys a comic book on Wednesdays.
2 We practice the flute after school.
3 What time do you get home?
4 There is a new park over there.
5 Whose house is this?
6 It’s my grandmother’s. She doesn’t live there now.
7 How many dogs do you have?
8 How many students are there in your class?
9 How does he use a computer?
10 Why do you run in the park?



1 He often goes to the library, and reads some comic books.
2 He is studying now. Don’t speak to him.
3 They are practicing basketball in the gym now.
4 When do they practice basketball in the gym?
5 My sister doesn’t often clean her room.
6 He isn’t helping his mother now.
7 Who’s taking a bath now?
8 Does she finish her homework after dinner?
9 My sister usually gets home at seven in the evening.
10 What is he doing now?



1 I know him. C
2 My sister is kind to me. I like her. D
3 He and his brother are friendly. I like them. B
4 Our teacher is kind to everyone. I like her. B
5 Which notebook is his, the blue one or the red one? A
6 Which dog is hers, the black one or the brown one? C
7 Your brother can play the piano well. We want to listen to his performance.



1 My uncle often goes camping.
2 There aren’t any zoos in my town.
3 Your brother is running in the park now. I often see him.
4 What time does your mother get home?
5 How many books does she read in a month?
6 Are there any supermarkets near your house?
7 What are you having for lunch?



1 She plays the piano after dinner.
2 She is kind to us.
3 Where does he go shopping?
4 Whose bike is this?
5 How many comic books does she collect?
6 There aren’t any cars in my house.
7 I’m doing my homework now.




1 I’m a new student.
2 You were a new student last year.
3 My sister was a student last year. But She’s a nurse now.
4 Are they busy now?
5 There is some apple juice in the fridge. *juiceは数えられないので、be動詞はis です。
6 He was popular among young people two years ago.
7 Which towel is yours, the yellow one or the blue one?
8 How’s the weather in Osaka today?
9 Whose pictures are these?
10 Where were you yesterday?



1 I clean my room on Saturday.
2 What sport do you play after school?
3 He doesn’t have any dogs.
4 She studied math last night.
5 We went to the library last week.
6 What did you have for lunch?
7 He had a cat four years ago.
8 I saw (met) them at the station yesterday.
9 Where did you buy a new racket?
10 How many books did she read yesterday?
11 She bought three books in the shop and read them yesterday.
12 Who washes the dishes after dinner?



1 I am running in the park.
2 He was taking a bath at that time.
3 She is practicing baseball now.
4 What were you doing in his room at that time?
5 My brother isn’t studying now.
6 I was watching (seeing) some foreign dramas on TV at that time.
7 She called him last night. But he is playing a game at that time.
8 They are swimming in the pool now.



1 Thanks for talking. (話してくれてありがとう。)B
Thank you for doing: ~してくれてありがとう。

2 I’m 13 years old. (私は13歳です。)C
年齢は、~ years old

3 Look at my notebooks. (私のノートを見てください。)D
Look at 名詞 : ~を見る
Look like: ~に似ている、~のように見える
Look for: ~をさがす

4 Let’s play baseball together tomorrow. (明日いっしょに野球をしましょう。)C
Let’s do: ~しましょう。together: いっしょに
with 人:人といっしょに、なので、with単独で使いません。

5 I like zombie movies. How about you? (私はゾンビ映画が好きです。あなたはどうですか。)D
How about doing (もしくは名詞)?:~はどうですか。

6 You can have a good time with your friends. (あなたは友達と楽しい時間を過ごすことができます。)C
have a good time: 楽しい時間を過ごす

7 He can jump from tree to tree. (彼は木から木へとぶことができます。)C
from A to B: AからBへ

8 Can I have a cheeseburger and a large cola, please? (チーズバーガー1つとコーラ大をおねがいします。)D
Can I have A and B, please? : 注文をするときに使う表現です。

9 He’s a famous singer. (彼は有名な歌手です。)C
quiet: 静かな useful: 役に立つ famous: 有名な important: 重要な
いちばんふさわしい単語は、famous です。useful, important はあまり人には使いません。

10 He stands on the street every day.(彼は毎日通りに立っています。)B

11 She is proud of her job. (彼女は自分の仕事にほこりに思っています。)B
is good at : ~が得意です is proud of : ~をほこりに思う
is popular with : ~に人気がある

12 Some Americans don’t wear shoes at home nowadays. (最近家でくつをはいていないアメリカ人もいます。)B
put on : ~を身につける動作 wear : 着ている状態
nowadays = these days : 最近

13 He runs 5 kilometers to school. It takes an hour. (彼は学校まで5キロ走ります。それは1時間かかります。)D
take :時間がかかる、の意味もあります。an hour : 1時間 hを発音しないので、an を使います。

14 Their parents pray for their safety. (彼らの両親はときどき彼らの安全をいのります。)D
always いつも >usually たいてい > often しばしば > sometimes ときどき
pray for : ~をいのる

15 Take the escalator and go up to the second floor.(エスカレーターにのって2階へ行ってください。)A
ride は自転車など「またがって乗るもの」、take は bus train など「利用する」
2階は the second floor (アメリカの場合)

16 Turn left, and you can see the flower shop. (左に曲がれば、お花屋さんが見えます。)A
see : 見える、目に入る、会う、watch: 観察する、look at:見る
turn: 道を曲がる

17 For example, there are many animals in Australia. (例えば、オーストラリアにはたくさんの動物がいます。)B
for example: 例えば
there are に注目すれば、複数だとわかります。

18 I can show you around. (私はあなたを案内することができます。)C
show around: 案内する

19 I can hear the sound. Turn off the TV then. (音が聞こえます。ではテレビを消しなさい。)B
hear: 聞こえる、耳に入る、 listen to:集中して聞く、

20 Iceland is famous for hot springs. (アイスランドは温泉で有名です。)C
is famous for: ~で有名です



1 The bed broke with a terrible sound.
broke: break 壊れるの過去形、terrible: ひどい
2 We came to the end of the slope.
3 Did you have any other experiences?
4 I can play outside all day.
5 I found a koala only once during the trip.
6 Are you making mashed potatoes?
7 Do you know anything about him?
8 You can find the answer in the book.
9 He swims across the river with his sister.
10 She’s a member of the basketball team.



1 What color do you like?
2 The book store is next to the post office.
3 I’m full now.
4 We also have a party on the beach.
5 Where does your uncle live?
6 What do you mean?
7 I’d like to talk about my favorite season.
want to doを丁寧にした表現が、would like to do です。
8 I learned a lot of things from him.


