
完了形の練習問題 英語











Jim ( is ) absent from school for three days.
Actually, this is the first time I ( visit ) Japan.
I ( am ) in hospital last year.
I ( am ) in hospital since last year.
We ( know ) each other for five years.
It ( is ) five years since we ( know ) each other.
Five years ( pass ) since we ( know ) each other.
He ( live ) in Shenzhen for three years when he ( is ) a child.
I ( am ) abroad for the last three years.
□10 彼女はたった今帰宅しました。
She (go ) home just now.



It (         )(           )(             ) since last night.
(          ) you (            ) Tom (              )?
□3あなたは願書を送りましたか。いいえ、まだです。( I haven’t 以外で)
Have you sent the application?  No, (           )(             ).
When (            ) you (            ) the homework?
His business (           )(            ) successful (            )(              ).
How (            )(            ) you (             )(               )?
□7YOASOBIが最近新しいアルバムをリリースしました。( release )
YOASOBI (             ) recently (                ) their new album.
This is the fifth time he (             )(              ) his homework.
Abeno (          )(             ) a lot for the (              ) ten years.
□10 彼女は子供の時3年間ピアノを練習しました。
She (              ) the piano for three years when she (             ) a child.



( my father / passed / since / died / five years ).
( twenty years / he / for / this company / been / has / for ).
( the comedian / on TV / seen / I / haven’t ).
( drawing / two days / she’s / comics / without sleeping / for ).
( ten years / married / it / since / we / been / got ).
( we / time / is / eaten / this / third / salmiakki / have / the ).
( surgery / she / was / had / she / a child ).
( the / has / the club / he / last / for / skipped / week ).
( No, / you / I / a roller / ridden / never / coaster / ? / have ).
□10 彼女はこれまでにワーク(問題集)の半分を終わらせました。
( workbook / so / she’s / half / the / finished / of ).



□1私は長い間その最新の( latest )ゲーム機が欲しいと思っていました。
□5彼女は今までテストのために一夜漬け( cram all night )をしたことがありません。




The train already ( leave ) when he ( arrive ) at the station.
She ( write ) three novels when she ( win ) the award.
I never ( hear ) of the refugee issue until I ( read ) the book.
My grandpa ( is ) sick in bed for a week when I ( visit ) him.
I ( lose ) the seat of my bicycle. I ( buy ) it the day before.
By next Monday, I ( write ) the report.
I ( am ) to Mt. Fuji three times if I ( climb ) it again.
He ( teach ) at this school for eight years next April.
I ( return ) the book to you as soon as I ( read ) it.
□10 私たちがパーティーを開くころまでに、桜の花は散っているでしょう。
By the time we ( have ) a party, the cherry blossoms ( fall ).



Ken (      ) play in the game because he (      )(              ) his ankle.
When the class (            ), they (            ) not (               ) lunch.
She (           ) never (              ) abroad (               ) she went to Guam.
I (            )(            )(             ) for you in the snow for half an hour (             ) I got your message.
I (              ) that I (             )(             ) asleep on the sofa.
The dolphin show (             )(              ) ended (            ) three o’clock.
I (          )(            )(             ) the castle twice if I (             ) the tour.
(           )(             )(            ) lunch, I will call you.
Please (            ) seated (            ) the captain (             )(              ) off the seat belt sign.
□10 息子が来週の土曜日までに元気になっていれば、私たちはキャンプに行きます。
If my son (           )(            ) well by next Saturday, we will go camping.



□1私はTim のところに立ち寄りましたが、彼はもう家を出ていました。
( on / Tim, / already / his house / I / has / left / called / he / but / had ).
( changed / that / Shin-chan’s voice / didn’t / I / hadn’t / know / had ).
( was / has / she / the tenth / it / Madoka / saved / time / had ).
( lived / South Pole / been / moved / had / for / he / before / Chiba / in / he / eight years / to ).
( the news / heard / they / have / by / will / been / tomorrow ).
( by the / I’ll / you / the assignment / finish / come / time / have finished ).
( married / got / they’ll / next month / a year / have / for / been ).
( if / all / the ceremony / by nine / start / the guests / will / arrived / on time / have / we’ll ).







When he came home, his family (             ) dinner.
1 were already eating   2 have already eaten   3 had already eaten   4 already ate
He (            ) in Brazil for three years when he was a child.
1 had lived   2 lived    3 has lived    4 was living
When I called on him, he (             ) game.
1 had played  2 played   3 was playing    4 had been playing
She (            ) for you for two hours before you called her.
1 was waiting   2 had waited    3 had been waiting    4 had been waited
My father (            ) for the lab for 20 years.
1 is working  2 has worked   3 had worked   4 has been working
I (            ) Tom Brown on TV these days.
1 haven’t seen   2 didn’t see  3 don’t see  4 wasn’t seeing
He (            ) away for ten years next month.
1 has passed  2 will be passing   3 will have passed   4 passes
I (          ) a make-up test at this time tomorrow.
1 will have taken   2 will be taking  3 am going to take   4 will take
If I (            ) the room, I will help you.
1 clean    2 will have cleaned   3 have cleaned   4 will clean
□10 彼は今少しずつ回復しています。
He (          ) well little by little now.
1 has gotten  2 is getting   3 gets   4 has been getting



□1I (          ) his daughter since she was born.
1 knew  2 know   3 have known   4 had known
□2Can I ask you to lend me the magazine when you (          ) reading it?
1 finished  2 have finished  3 will finish  4 will have finished
□3When he wanted to withdraw some money from the bank, but he found he (          ) his bank card.
1 lost  2 have lost  3 had lost  4 was losing
□4Have you had dinner yet?  Yes, I (           ) at seven o’clock.
1 have eaten   2 ate   3 have had    4 will have
□5Three years (            ) since my grandfather died.
1 have passed   2 has been  3 is   4 have been dead
□6I (          ) the assignment by two o’clock tomorrow.
1 completed   2 have completed   3 had completed   4 will have completed
□7I realized that I (           ) the important conference.
1 missed   2 have missed   3 was missing   4 had missed
□8It (           ) twenty years since the three banks merged.
1 has been  2 has passed   3 will have passed   4 had passed
□9The airplane (           ) off when we got to the airport.
1 have already taken   2 already took    3 was already taking   4 had already taken
□10 when he retires, Professor Wiles (            ) here for over thirty years.
1 have been teaching  2 will have been teaching   3 will be teaching   4 will have taught



□1I still ( the cold / recovered from / I / haven’t / caught ) last week.
□2He ( been / a month / in / for / will / the hospital / have )by the end of this week.
□3Kate ( before / in Singapore / five years / lived / came / had / for / she ) to Japan.
□4It ( been / before / day / has / raining / since / the ) yesterday.



□1They had been dating for two months, and Joe had always paid for their dates, but tonight was different. He said to his girlfriend, “Could you pay for me this time?”
□2Fewer hours of sunshine affected sales of summer goods last year, but they are hoping that demand for these goods will rise this year. *demand: 需要





  • オンラインなので全国どこでも対応可能
  • 難関大学に強い




1 Jim has been absent from school for three days.   *be absent from: に欠席している
2 Actually, this is the first time I have visited Japan.
3 I was in hospital last year.  last year など過去の1点だけを指すときは、過去形です。
4 I have been in hospital since last year.
5 We have known each other for five years.
6 It has been( is ) five years since we knew each other.
7 Five years have passed since we knew each other.   5から6,7の書き換えはよく出ます!
8 He lived in Shenzhen for three years when he was a child.
when は未来でない限り、現在完了を使いません。
9 I have not been abroad for the last three years.  ここ3年は、the last を入れます。
10 She went home just now.  just now は過去だけです。


1 It has been raining since last night.
2 Have you met( seen ) Tom lately ( recently )?
3 No, not yet.
4 When did you finish the homework?
5 His business has been successful so far.
6 How long have you been sleeping?
7 YOASOBI have recently released their new album.
8 This is the fifth time he has forgotten his homework.
9 Abeno has changed a lot for the last ten years.
10 She practiced the piano for three years when she was a child.


1 Five years have passed since my father died.
2 He has been working for the company for twenty years.
3 I haven’t seen the comedian on TV lately ( recently ).
4 She’s been drawing comics without sleeping for two days.
5 It has been ten years since we got married.
6 This is the third time we have eaten salmiakki.
7 She had surgery when she was a child.
8 He has skipped the club since the last week.
9 Have you ridden a roller coaster? No, I never have. * I have never. とは言いません。
10 She’s finished half of the workbook so far.


1 I have wanted the latest game machine for a long time.
2 He has lost his wallet somewhere.
3 He has been playing video game since this morning.
4 We have learned English for seven years.
= Seven years have passed since we learned English.
= It has been seven years since we learn English.
5 She has never crammed all night for a test until now ( up to now ).
so far: その状態が今まで続いている until now ( up to now ): 今までから変化があった




1 The train had already left when he arrived at the station. より古い方を過去完了にする。
2 She had written three novels when she won the award.
3 I had never heard of the refugee issue until I read the book.
4 My grandpa had been sick in bed for a week when I visited him.
5 I lost the seat of my bicycle. I had bought it the day before.
6 By next Monday, I will have written the report.
7 I will have been to Mt. Fuji three times if I climb it again. If の後は will を入れない!
8 He will have taught at this school for eight years next April.
9 I will return the book to you as soon as I have read it.  as soon as の後もwill を入れない!
10 By the time we have a party, the cherry blossoms will have fallen. by the time の後もwill を入れない!


1 Ken couldn’t paly in the game because he had twisted his ankle.
2 When the class began, they had not finished lunch.
3 She had never been abroad when she went to Guam.
4 I had been waiting for you in the snow for half an hour when I got your message.
5 I found that I had fallen asleep on the sofa.
6 The dolphin show will have ended by three o’clock.
7 I will have visited the castle twice if I join the tour.
8 When I’ve eaten lunch, I will call you.
9 Please remain seated until the captain has turned off the seat belt sign.
10 If my son has gotten well by next Saturday, we will go camping.


1 I called on Tim, but he had already left his house.
2 I didn’t know that Shin-chan’s voice had changed.
3 It was the tenth time she had saved Madoka.
4 He had lived in South Pole for eight years before he moved to Chiba.
5 They will have heard the news by tomorrow.
6 I’ll have finished the assignment by the time you come.
7 They’ll have got( been ) married for a year next month.
8 we’ll start the ceremony on time if all the guests have arrived by nine.


1 When we arrived at the hall, the concert had started ( begun ).
2 When he was a child, he lived in Paris for three years.
3 We’d been playing tennis for three hours when it began raining.
4 He will have lived in Osaka for ten years next year.
5 By the time you propose to her, she will have married another man.
propose: 提案する、という意味もあります





1 When he came home, his family had already eaten dinner. 3
2 He lived in Brazil for three years when he was a child. 2
3 When I called on him, he was playing game. 3
when の文で現在完了を使えるのは、未来のときだけです。
4 She had been waiting for you for two hours before you called her.
5 My father has worked for the lab for 20 years. 2, 4
has been working も正解です。
6 I don’t see Tom Brown on TV these days. 3
these days は現在形で好まれます。
7 He will have passed away for ten years next month. 3
next month があるので、未来完了を使います。pass away : 亡くなる
8 I will be taking a make-up test at this time tomorrow. 2
at this time があれば、未来進行形。未来進行形は意思と関係なくなりゆきでやることが決まっている動作。
9 If I have cleaned the room, I will help you. 3
if の後はwill を置けないので、現在形か現在完了です。掃除はまだ終わっていないので、現在完了が正解。
10 He is getting well little by little now. 2


6明日の2時までに私は課題を完成させているでしょう。4 assignment : 課題 complete: 完成させる
7私は大事な会議を欠席したことに気が付いた。4 miss: 寂しく思う、逃す、欠席する
10 彼が引退するとき、ワイルズ教授は30年以上ここで教えたことになります。2


1 I still haven’t recovered from the cold I caught last week.
2 He will have been in the hospital for a month by the end of this week.
3 Kate had lived in Singapore for five years before she came to Japan.
4 It has been raining since the day before yesterday.


1彼らはデートをして2か月で、ジョーがいつもデート代を支払っていましたが、今夜は違いました。彼は彼の女友達に言いました。「今回は私の代わりに支払ってくれませんか」pay for : ~代を支払う
2去年日照時間が少ないことが夏用商品の販売に影響しましたが、彼らは今年これらの商品の需要が高まることを望んでいます。fewer : より少ない sale: 販売、特売

