□1If it snows a lot tomorrow, we won’t take a train.
□2Do you know if she will get well soon?
□3The earth goes around the sun.
□4The last train leaves at ten thirty.
□5We have a vacation next week.
□6I’m seeing Ted tonight.
□7He’s constantly helping those in need.
□8He’s always looking at the phone.
□9We are flying to Vancouver on our school trip next summer.
□10 The early bird catches the warm.
those in need: 困っている人々 fly to : 飛行機で行く
Failure ( ) success.
The sun ( ) in the east.
She ( )( ) high school this March.
The next train ( ) in five minutes later.
You ( )( ) a failing score on the test unless you ( )( ) harder.
Please ( ) here until dinner ( ) ready.
She asked me if you ( )( ) part in the drama club seriously.
Please ( ) me when we ( )( ) the mid-term exam.
He is ( )( ) video games.
□10 彼女はいつも家で寝てばかりいる。
She is ( ) at home all ( )( ).
( fast / news / travels / bad ).
( floats / water / oil / on ).
( his / next week / starts / he / job ).
( Nagoya / moving / month / he / next / to / is ).
( homework / go / you / finish / your / before / out ).
( at / meeting / Ms. Smith / seven / I’m ).
( put off / tomorrow, / we / rains / will / sports day / if / it ).
( know / here / he / I / don’t / will / when / come ).
( at eight / for / leaves / the flight / in the evening / Tokyo ).
□10 彼女はいつも妹たちの面倒をみてやっているね。
( care of / little / she / constantly / her / is / sisters / taking ).
□3水は0度で凍ります。(freeze : 凍る)
□1I will take the entrance examination for University of Tokyo.
□2He is going to study in Australia next year.
□3I’m about to go out in five minutes.
□4The phone is ringing. I’ll answer it.
□5He is likely to forget his homework.
□6My parents are likely to agree with me.
□7This airplane will be taking off in a few minutes.
□8We’ll be practicing for the game at this time tomorrow.
□9What are you going to buy for her?
□10 It looks like rain.
She ( )( )( ) for you when you come here.
I think he ( )( ) a class tomorrow.
The world is ( )( )( ).
Youth are ( )( )( ) the cell phones.
He’s ( )( ) take a week’s holiday.
( ) you ( )( ) to the church on Sunday?
He is the man who ( )( ) the Pirate King.
I ( )( )( ) destroy them.
He ( )( )( ) my message in the bathroom this time tomorrow.
How old ( ) she ( ) on her next birthday?
( start / about / the movie / likely / to / is ).
( likely / the / tomorrow / about / to / typhoon / is / Kagoshima / hit ).
( get / he / to / Flora / will / married / marry ).
( three / I’ll / going to / apply / to / universities / I’m ).
( tonight / meeting / the president / you / will / are / be )?
( sit around / tomorrow / if / snows / I’ll / it / at home / chill ).
( he / our team / if / will / doesn’t / quit / she / know / whether ).
( next year / dancing / she’s / She ‘ll / study / in California / going to ).
( gets / will / go home / I / before / it / when / dark ).
□10 彼女は明日の今頃船でオランダに向かっているでしょう。
( the Netherlands / this time / she / leaving / will / sailing to / tomorrow / at / be ).
□2新学期がまさに始まろうとしています。( the new school year )
□5彼女は彼からのプロポーズを断るでしょう。( marriage proposal )
□1While I was sleeping in bed, the earthquake stroke my town.
□2Sue was taking a bath when he called on her.
□3When his father passed away, he was going to study in Canada.
□4He was seeing Ms. Baker at that time.
□5A Tiger belongs to the cat family.
□6I’m on the sales department.
□7I was thinking of moving to the countryside.
□8How are you liking the new school?
□9He resembles the famous actor.
□10 When he was looking at the stars, he came up with this idea.
He ( )( ) his finger when he ( )( ).
When you ( )( ) me, I ( )( ) a car.
He ( ) always ( ) with his brother when he was a child.
This picture ( ) to Louvre Museum.
I ( )( ) the new baseball team.
You should talk with someone who ( ) from your opinion.
When I ( )( )( ) music, I ( ) her scream.
He ( ) 10 acers of the farm.
When we ( )( ) a good time on the beach, sharks ( ).
When my brother ( ) home with pizza, we ( )( )( ) have dinner.
( sharks / swim / when / appear / I / in the sea, / be ).
(at / sleep / a present / the bedside / while / he / his son / is / put ).
( with / they / quarrel / other / are / all the time / each ).
( his sister / resemble / he / closely ).
( throw / Picasso’s / point / is / on / picture / away / the / of / he ).
( get / on / her dog / when / she / home, / is / the sofa / lie ).
□2彼女は森の中を歩いているとき、クマに遭遇しました。( come across )
□1Mary ( ) up at exactly six o’clock yesterday.
1 wakes 2 woke 3 is waking 4 was waking
□2We will have dinner when our guests ( ).
1 will arrive 2 arrive 3 arrived 4 will be arriving
□3My father has been in hospital, but he ( ) better day by day.
1 gets 2 will get 3 is getting 4 got
□4He ( ) at this time tomorrow.
1 was working 2 work 3 will be working 4 will work
□5Give me a call when you ( ) your homework.
1 finished 2 will finish 3 finish 4 will be finishing
□6Last Christmas I gave him a music player, but at the party next week I ( ) him a wine.
1 am going to give 2 give 3 gave 4 am given
□7When the telephone rang, Jane ( ) TV.
1 is watching 2 watched 3 was watching 4 will watch
□8 The girl ( ) her mother very much.
1 taking after 2 took after 3 resemble 4 resembles
□9 These flowers ( ) very sweet.
1 tastes 2 smell 3 is scenting 4 are smelling
□10 Do you know that the light ( ) faster than sound?
1 makes trouble 2 is making trouble 3 traveled 4 travels
( morning / are / to / tomorrow / when / going / leave / you )?
□2駅へ向かっているときにJessica に会った。
( station / meet / the / walk / I’m / I / to / while / Jessica ).
( leave / about / the doorbell / when / to / be / I / ring / home ).
( you / in London / friend / with / long / your / will / how / staying / be )?
( is / she / expect / when / marry / they ). *expect : 期待する,妊娠している(進行形)
( poisoned apple / she / on / eat / a / the point / is / of ).
□3当日雨天の場合、花火大会は中止です。( call off : 中止する)
1 もし明日雪がたくさん降れば、私たちは列車に乗らないでしょう。
2 彼女がすぐに回復するかどうか知っていますか。get well : 回復する
3 地球は太陽の周りをまわる。
4 最終列車は10時30分に出発します。
5 私たちは来週休暇をとります。
6 私は今夜テッドに会う予定です。
7 彼はいつも困っている人々を助けています。
8 彼はいつも電話ばかり見ています。
9 私たちは来年の夏修学旅行でバンクーバーへ飛行機で行きます。
10 早起きの鳥が虫をつかまえるものです。(早起きは三文の得)
1 Failure teaches success. (ことわざ)
2 The sun rises in the east. *raise :は「をあげる」の他動詞
3 She graduates from high school this March.
4 The next train arrives in five minutes later.
5 You will take (get) a failing score on the test unless you study harder.
unless: if not と同じ
6 Please wait here until dinner is ready. *be ready: 準備ができている
unless, until の後は、未来の話でも現在形
7 She asked me if you will take part in the drama club seriously.
8 Please tell me when we will take ( have ) the mid-term exam.
目的語 if (かどうか)、when(いつ)の中はwill を入れてもOK
9 He is always playing video games.
10 She is sleeping all the time.
1 Bad news travels fast.
2 Oil floats on water.
3 He starts his job next week.
4 He is moving to Nagoya next month.
5 Finish your homework before you go out.
6 I’m seeing Ms. Smith at seven.
7 If it rains tomorrow, we will put off Sports Day. *put off : 延期する
8 I don’t know when he will come here.
9 The flight for Tokyo leaves at eight in the evening. ( The flight leaves for Tokyo at eight in the evening. )
10 She is constantly taking care of her little sisters.
1 When you arrive at the station tomorrow, I will call you. * If は間違いです。
when : 必ず行われること、if :行われないかもしれない
2 We have a test tomorrow.
3 Water freezes at zero degrees.
4 You are always making same mistakes.
5 He is going to Tokyo by plane tomorrow. ( He is flying to Tokyo tomorrow. )
1 私は東京大学を受験するつもりです。
2 彼は来年オーストラリアに留学する予定です。
3 私は五分後に出かけようとしています。未来の「~分後」は in
4 電話が鳴っています。私が出ましょう。
5 彼は宿題を忘れそうです。
6 私の両親は私に賛成する可能性があります。
7 この飛行機はまもなく離陸します。(丁寧な感じの意味)
8 私たちは明日の今頃試合のために練習をしているでしょう。(なりゆき上、そうなる)
9 あなたは彼女に何を買う予定ですか。(思いつきで買わない)
10 雨が降りそうだ。(空を見て降りそう)
1 She won’t be waiting for you when you come here.
2 I think he will attend a class tomorrow. *attend : 出席する
3 The world is about to change.
4 Youth are likely to use the cell phones.
5 He’s going to take a week’s holiday.
6 Will you going to the church on Sunday?
7 He is the man who will become the Pirate King. (本当になるかどうかわからないから will )
8 I am going to destroy them. (思いつきでなく、そうなる予定だから)destroy : 破壊する、滅ぼす
9 He will be noticing my message in the bathroom this time tomorrow.
10 How old will she be on her next birthday?
1 The movie is about to start. 始まらない可能性はほぼないから。
2 The typhoon is likely to hit Kagoshima tomorrow.
3 He will get married to Flora. * get married to 人:人と結婚する
4 I’m going to apply to three universities. *apply to : 応募する
5 Will you be meeting the president tonight?
6 I’ll sit around at home if it snows tomorrow. ( I’ll chill at home if it snows tomorrow. )
7 He doesn’t know if he will quit our team. ( He doesn’t know whether he will quit our team. )
8 She’s going to study dancing in California next year.
9 I will go home before it gets dark.
10 She will be sailing to the Netherlands at this time tomorrow. * sail : 航海する、船で行く
1 I’ll buy these shoes before (they are) sold out.
2 The new school year is about to start.
3 He is studying in Australia next year. ( He is going to study in Australia next year. )
is studying, is going to study どちらもOKです。
4 He is likely to forget his homework at home. ( He is likely to leave his homework at home.)
宿題そのものを忘れたならforget, 宿題を家に置いてきたならleave, です。
5 She will refuse his marriage proposal. ( She will be refusing his marriage proposal. )
is doing, is going to は不適。話し手は彼女の意思を知らない。
1 私が寝ている間、地震が町を襲いました。
2 彼がスーを尋ねたとき、彼女はお風呂に入っていました。
3 彼の父が亡くなったとき、彼はカナダに留学する予定でした。*pass away : 亡くなる
was going to do : 実現されなかった予定を表します
4 彼はその時ベーカーさんに会っていました。
5 トラはネコ科に属します。
6 私は営業部に所属しています。
7 私は田舎へ引っ越そうと考えていました。
8 新しい学校はどうですか。(始めたばかりのことについて気に入っているかどうか、尋ねています。)
I’m loving it. は、新しいことを今のところとても気に入っている、という意味です。
9 彼は有名な俳優に似ています。
10 彼は星を見ていたとき、この考えを思いつきました。*come up with: 思いつく
1 He cut his finger when he was cooking.
・「~していた」がある方を、was/were doing
2 When you called me, I was driving a car.
3 He was always quarreling with his brother when he was a child. *quarrel with : とケンカをする
4 This picture belongs to Louvre Museum.
主語が物なら、belong to.
5 I am liking the new baseball team. (始めたばかりのこと)
6 You should talk with someone who differs from your opinion. *differ :と異なる
differ は意見が異なる、遺伝子など特徴・性質が異なる、などに多いです。
7 When I was listening to music, I heard her scream.
8 He possesses( owes ) 10 acers of the farm.
9 When we were having a good time on the beach, sharks appeared.
10 When my brother got home with pizza, we were about to have dinner.
be about to do : まさに~しようとする(過去形もできます)
1 When I was swimming in the sea, sharks appeared.
2 He put a present at the bedside while his son was sleeping.
3 They were quarreling with each other all the time.
4 He closely resembles his sister.( He resembles his sister closely.)
5 He was on the point of throwing Picasso’s picture away.
be on the point of doing = be about to do とほぼ同じです。
会話では「be about to do 」が多め。
6 When she got home, her dog was lying on the sofa.
lie +ing ⇒ lying
1 I’m on the table tennis team.
2 When she was walking in the forest, she came across a bear.
3 A bear also belongs to the cat family.
4 He has ( possesses, owes ) two restaurants now.
1 メアリーは昨日6時ちょうどに起きました。2
exactly : 正確に、ぴったり
2 私たちはゲストが到着したら、夕食を食べます。2
when (とき)のあとは、未来の話でもwill を入れない
3 私の父は入院していますが、一日ずつ回復しています。3
get better : より良くなっている
4 彼は明日の今ごろ働いているでしょう。3
at this time tomorrow があるので、will be doing を使います。
5 宿題が終わったら私に電話をしてね。3
When (とき)のあとは、will を入れない
6 去年のクリスマス私は彼に音楽プレーヤーをあげました。でも来週のパーティに私は彼にワインをあげる予定です。1
next week のことなので、be going to が正解。4は 受身形なのに注意。
7 電話が鳴った時、ジェーンはテレビを見ていました。3
8 その少女は母親によく似ています。4
resemble は状態を表すので、進行形にしません。また3人称単数のs が付きます。
take after : 似ている(家族+年上だけ)
9 これらの花はとても甘いにおいがします。2
smell は状態を表す動詞なので、進行形ではあまり使われません。
10 あなたは光が音よりも早いのを知っていますか。4
1 When are you going to leave tomorrow morning?
2 I met Jessica while I was walking to the station.
3 I was about to leave home when the doorbell rang.
4 How long will you be staying with your friend in London?
5 She was expecting when they married.
妊娠している:be pregnant とも言いますが、be expecting ( a baby ) が一般的です。
6 She was on the point of eating a poisoned apple.
be on the point of doing : まさに~しようとする
1 He is going to Africa when he graduates from collage.
( He is going to go to Africa when he graduates from university. )
大学はほぼ間違いなく卒業するので、when を使います。
未来に準備している予定なので、現在進行形かbe going to が正しい。
単科大学はcollage, 総合大学はuniversity. ですが、どちらでもOKです。
2 Let’s finish the work before she comes.
before のあとは、未来のことでも現在形です。
3 If it rains on that day, we will call off the firework festival.
( If it rains on the day, the firework festival will be called off. )
実際に雨が降るかどうかわからないので、if を使います。
当日は、on the day ( on that day ) です。
花火大会は、firework festival, firework show, といいます。
4 The brothers are always quarreling about small things.
fight は殴り合いのケンカ、quarrel は口ゲンカ。