
高校動名詞の練習問題 英語















□1Getting up early is good for your health.
□2His hobby is drawing pictures.
□3My father enjoyed playing golf last Sunday.
□4He is proud of helping sick children.
□5I’m sure of passing the exam.
□6Would you mind lending me some money?
□7Would you mind if I use your phone?



□1I’m ashamed ( to lose / of losing ) the game.
□2I’m sorry for ( not being / being not ) in time for the meeting.
□3I’m sure ( of he winning / of his winning  ) the game.
□4I’m afraid ( of my son failing / of my son’s failing ) the exam.
□5I’m proud ( of my daughter never telling / of never my daughter’s telling ) a lie.
□5Would you mind ( me to open / my opening ) the door?



□1He is proud that he is a nurse now.
= He is proud (          )(           ) a nurse now.
□2He is proud that he was a pharmacist on a small island.
= He is proud (          )(           )(             ) a pharmacist on a small island.
□3He was ashamed that he had said such a rude thing to Mr. Brown.
= He was ashamed (           )(            )(            ) such a rude thing to Mr. Brown.
□4She is happy that she will be elected the chairperson.
= She is happy about (           )(            ) the chairperson.
□5She complained that she had been treated like a housekeeper.
= She complained about (           )(            )(             ) like a housekeeper.
□6She complained that she had not been treated like a princess.
= She complained about (           )(            )(             )(              ) like a princess.
□7Would you mind if I carry my suitcase to the room?
= Would you mind (             )(             ) my suitcase to the room?



(selfish / of / being / having been / is / she / ashamed ).
( fond / playing / likes / he is / the guitar / of ).
( goodbye / broke up / her boyfriend / without / with / she ).
( sure / winning / I’m / the game / of ).
( I’m / the train / of / him / catching / sure / not / his ).
( my daughter / a lie / never / proud / I’m / telling ).
( your / me / you / bathroom / using / if / would / mind )?



He (             )(               ) a lie to me.
She (             )(              ) a dentist tomorrow.
At first he (             )(              ) money from the register.
He (             )(               ) the questions.
She (            )(            ) the drama on TV last night.
He (              )(              ) to a college outside his home prefecture.
She (            )(               ) her smartphone until the exam finished.
He (             )(               )(                ) games during his classes.
They will (              )(               ) to Canada.
He could (               )(               ) because he had done his homework by chance.

promise, miss, avoid, deny, refuse, give up, put off, admit, decide, consider,



□1We were planning ( visit ) Taiwan this summer.
□2He suggested ( ask ) our teacher for advice.
□3He avoids ( eat ) junk food and has more vegetables instead.
□4My roommate offered ( help ) me with my homework.
□5He refused ( sign ) the contract. *contract: 契約書
□6Once you find English words you don’t know, You should practice ( speak ) them aloud.
□7Would you mind me ( close ) the window? No, no problem.
□8She gave up ( climb ) the mountain.
□9Have you finished ( read ) the book yet?
□10 She finally admitted ( cheat ) on her boyfriend.



□1I remember returning the book to the library.
□2I’ll never forget visiting Australia last summer.
□3I regret riding a motorcycle without a helmet. *motorcycle: オートバイ
□4I tried sending an email to her, but she didn’t answer it.
□5Please remember to drop in a post office when you go back home.
□6Don’t forget to lock the door when you go out.
□7I regret to tell you that I can’t accept your offer.
□8She tried to get rid of cockroaches, but she couldn’t. *cockroach: ゴキブリ



( on purpose / the vase / to have broke / he / having broken / denied ).
( suggested / to the park / my friend / by train / to go / going ).
( to post / don’t / your grandparents / forward to / forget / the letter. / look / posting / it ).
( a young girl / this place / to visit / I / when I / visiting / was / remember ).
( mind / you / tomorrow / submitting / to submit / your report / would )?
( a thing / regret / to her / I / to say / such / saying ).
( forgot / to Sue / an email / I / sending / completely / to send ).
( to say / I’m / I / this town / that / regret / saying / leaving / tomorrow ).
( the box, / tried / I / but / it / found / empty / opening / I / to open ).


This movie is (              )(               ) twice.
He is (            )(              )(               ) a crowded train.
He (            )(             )(             ) a crowded train.
I (           )(             )(              ) Chinese food for dinner today.
Your shirt (              )(              ).
(           )(            ) the police officers, he ran away.
The child (             )(            )(              ) being run over by a car.
My grandparents are (               )(               )(              )(               ) us.


□1What do you say ( to eat / to eating ) out this evening?
□2She isn’t used ( to live / to living ) in the big city.
□3I’m looking forward ( to hear / to hearing ) from you.
□4He devoted himself ( to care / to caring ) for sick children.
□5When it comes ( to play / to playing ) cards, nobody can defeat him. *defeat: 打ち負かす


□1Look right and left when you cross a busy street.
= Look right and left (            )(              ) a busy street.
□2The girl couldn’t help but cry when her strawberry on the cake was eaten.
= The girl couldn’t (             )(              ) when her strawberry on the cake was eaten.
□3It is useless to cry over spilt milk.
= It is (           )(               )(              ) over spilt milk  *spilt milk: こぼれた牛乳
□4It is impossible to tell when the earthquake will happen.
= There is (            )(              ) when the earthquake will happen.
□5Needless to say, Osamu is a great manga artist.
= It (             )(              )(               ) that Osamu is a great manga artist.
□6I make it a rule to brush my teeth during the lunch break.
= I make it a rule (          )(              ) my teeth during the lunch break.
□7We couldn’t go out because of the typhoon.
=The typhoon (                )(              )(                ) going out.


( complaining / the judge / no / it / about / use / is).
( explaining / the accident / there’s / how / no / occurred ).
( honesty / goes / saying / the best / is / without / it / that / policy ).
( to herself / the news, / she smiled / hearing / quietly / on ).
( say to / like / dinner / I / do you / don’t / today. / eating out / feel / fixing / what )?
( looking / friends / this university / with / forward / studying / new / at / to / I’m ).
( attending / her / the meeting / prevented / urgent business / from ). *urgent business: 急用
( continuing / a fruitless / no / such / there is / argument / our / point ).



動名詞(doing: すること)の基本的用法

・to do と同じ使い方
Doing (= To do) homework is hard. (主語)
Her goal is passing (= to pass ) the exam easily. (補語 goal = passing )
I don’t like practicing (= to practice ) every day. (目的語)
*目的語にdoing が使えなかったりto do と意味が変わったりすることがあります。
I’m good at sleeping during classes.
I’m fond of watching YouTube. (be fond of: ~が好き)


Doing is good for ~.この形は、英作文に使いやすい表現です。
be proud of doing/ 名詞: ~を誇りに思う
be sure of doing : Sがきっと~だと思う

would you mind ~? について
do you mind doing ? :あなたはすることを嫌がりますか。→していただけませんか。
・mind doing か mind if S V ~
・答え方は、No, not at all. / No, no problem. で「いいですよ」の意味。



be 形容詞 前置詞 doing 
・be sorry for doing : を申し訳なく思う
・be afraid of doing: を恐れる
・be proud of doing: を誇りに思う
・be fond of doing: ~を好む
・be ashamed of doing: を恥ずかしく思う
・be sure of doing: Sは~すると確信している

動名詞の否定⇒ not doing
I’m proud of not getting up late. (私は寝坊しないのを誇りに思っています。)
動名詞の意味上の主語⇒ me( my ) doing
I’m ashamed of his failing the exam. (私は彼が試験に落ちたのを恥ずかしく思います。)
*the door などの名詞は、そのまま使います。
I was surprised at the TV turning on suddenly.(私はテレビが突然点いて驚きました。)


□1I’m ashamed of losing the game. / I’m ashamed to lose the game.
形容詞+to do / 前置詞 +doing でも意味が変わらないことがあります。
ただし、sure, afraid, など不定詞と動名詞で意味が少し変わるものもあります。
□2I’m sorry for not being in time for the meeting.
□3I’m sure of his winning the game.
□4I’m afraid of my son failing the exam.
□5I’m proud of my daughter never telling a lie.
人 not(never) doing の順
□5Would you mind my opening the door?
mind doing だけで、to do はつけません。
Would you mind my doing ~? : 私が~してもよろしいですか。


動名詞の完了形⇒ having done 
He is proud of having passed the exam. (彼は試験に合格したことを誇りに思っています。)
is: 現在 having passed: 過去
She wasn’t happy that she had failed the exam two years ago.
= She wasn’t happy with having failed the exam two years ago.
was: 過去形 having failed : was より古い過去
動名詞の受動態⇒ being done
She dislikes being treated like a copygirl. (彼女は雑用係のように扱われるのが嫌です。)


□1He is proud that he is a nurse now.
= He is proud ( of )( being ) a nurse now.
□2He is proud that he was a pharmacist on a small island.
= He is proud ( of )( having )( been ) a pharmacist on a small island.
□3He was ashamed that he had said such a rude thing to Mr. Brown.
= He was ashamed ( of )( having )( said ) such a rude thing to Mr. Brown.
□4She is happy that she will be elected the chairperson.
= She is happy about ( being )( elected ) the chairperson.
□5She complained that she had been treated like a housekeeper.
= She complained about ( having  )( been )( treated ) like a housekeeper.
□6She complained that she had not been treated like a princess.
= She complained about ( not )( having)( been )( treated ) like a princess.
□7Would you mind if I carry my suitcase to the room?
= Would you mind ( my )( carrying) my suitcase to the room?



She is ashamed of having been selfish.
He is fond of playing the guitar.
She broke up her with boyfriend without saying goodbye.  break up with 人:人と分かれる
I’m sure of his winning the game.
I’m sure of his(him) not catching the train.
I’m not sure of his(him) catching the train.
I’m proud of my daughter never telling a lie.
Would you mind me using your bathroom?



S V doing とS V to do の違い

admit (したことを認める)、deny(したことを否定する)、enjoy 、
finish 、give up(したことをやめる)、stop、 practice、
avoid (するのを避ける)、escape(するのを免れる)、miss(しそこなう)、
mind(するのをいやがる)、postpone / put off(するのを延期する)
consider(するのを考えている)、imagine (するのを想像する)
目的語が不定詞(to do)だけの動詞
decide (することを決める)、expect(するつもりだ)、hope(したいと思う)、
offer(することを申し出る)、plan (することを計画する)、promise(することを約束する)、
refuse(することを拒否する)、wish, want,


  • doing: すでにやっていること、しないこと
  • to do: これからすること


He ( admitted )( telling ) a lie to me.
She ( decided )(to see ) a dentist tomorrow.
At first he ( denied )( stealing ) money from the register. *steal: 盗む
He ( refused )( to answer ) the questions.
She (missed )( seeing ) the drama on TV last night.
He ( considering  )( going ) to a college outside his home prefecture.
She ( promised not )( to use ) her smartphone until the exam finished.
He ( wanted )( to stop )( playing ) games during his classes.
They will ( put off/ postpone  )( traveling ) to Canada.
He could ( avoid )( being scolded ) because he had done his homework by chance.  *scold: 叱る


□1We were planning ( to visit ) Taiwan this summer.
□2He suggested ( asking ) our teacher for advice.
□3He avoids ( eating ) junk food and has more vegetables instead.
□4My roommate offered ( to help ) me with my homework.
□5He refused ( to sign ) the contract. *contract: 契約書
□6Once you find English words you don’t know, You should practice ( speaking ) them aloud.
□7Would you mind me ( closing ) the window? No, no problem.
□8She gave up ( climbing ) the mountain.
□9Have you finished ( reading ) the book yet?
□10 She finally admitted ( cheating ) on her boyfriend.
和製英語のチート級でおなじみの cheat ですが、cheat on 人 で「浮気」を連想させます。
cheat: 自分の利益のためにだます、カンニングをする、ズルをする、
deceive: 真実をねじまげでだます
cover up: 事実を隠す


・remember doing: ~したことを覚えている
・remember to do: 忘れずに~する
・forget doing: ~したことを忘れる
・forget to do: これから~するのを忘れる
・regret doing: ~したことを後悔する
・regret to do: 残念ながら~する
・try doing: 試しに~する(もうやっている)
・try to do: ~しようとする(まだしていない)


□3私はヘルメットなしでオートバイに乗ったのを後悔しています。 *motorcycle: オートバイ
□5家に帰るとき、郵便局に忘れずに立ち寄ってください。 drop in 場所:立ち寄る
□8彼女はゴキブリを駆除しようとしたが、できませんでした。*get rid of: を取り除く、駆除する



He denied having broke the vase on purpose.
My friend suggested going to the park by train.
Don’t forget to post the letter. Your grandparents look forward to it.
I remember visiting this place when I was a young girl.
Would you mind submitting your report tomorrow? submit: 提出する
I regret saying such a thing to her.
I completely forgot to send an email to Sue.
I regret to say that I’m leaving this town tomorrow.
I tried opening the box, but I found it empty.  *empty: 空の



doing の熟語
・worth doing: ~する価値がある
・be used(accustomed) to doing: ~するのに慣れている *used to do :以前は~だった
・feel like doing: ~したい気がする
・物 need(want) doing: 物は~される必要がある
・On doing = As soon as S V, ~するとすぐに
・In doing = When S V, ~するときに
・come near to doing : 危うく~しそうになる  *come to do: ~するようになる
・look forward to doing: ~するのを楽しみにする
・have trouble doing:~するのに苦労する

This movie is ( worth  )(seeing  ) twice.
He is ( used )( to )( taking  ) a crowded train.
He ( used  )( to  )( take ) a crowded train.
I ( feel )( like  )( eating ) Chinese food for dinner today.
Your shirt ( needs  )( washing  ).
( On  )( seeing  ) the police officers, he ran away.
The child ( came )( near  )( to  ) being run over by a car.
My grandparents are ( looking  )( forward )( to  )( seeing  ) us.


to doing の形をとります
・what do you say to doing: ~しませんか、~してはどうですか
・be used to doing: ~するのに慣れている
・look forward to doing: ~するのを楽しみにする
・devote oneself to doing: ~するのに専念する
・When it comes to doing: ~ということになると
・come near to doing: 危うく~しそうになる

□1What do you say to eating out this evening?
□2She isn’t used to living in the big city.
□3I’m looking forward to hearing from you. *hear from: ~から便りがある
□4He devoted himself to caring for sick children.
□5When it comes to playing cards, nobody can defeat him. *defeat: 打ち負かす
トランプをするとなると、だれも彼を打ち負かすことができない。nobody: だれも~しない


・It is no use doing :~しても無駄だ =There is no use doing
・There is no doing: ~することはできない
・It goes without saying that SV :~なのは言うまでもない *needless to say より堅い表現
・make a point(rule) of ding: ~することにしている
・S prevent O from doing: SのためにOは doing できない
・cannot do A without doing B: Aすれば必ずBする

□1Look right and left when you cross a busy street.
= Look right and left ( on )( crossing ) a busy street.
□2The girl couldn’t help but cry when her strawberry on the cake was eaten.
= The girl couldn’t ( help )( crying ) when her strawberry on the cake was eaten.
cannot help doing: ~せずにはいられない
□3It is useless to cry over spilt milk.
= It is ( no  )( use  )( crying ) over spilt milk  *spilt milk: こぼれた牛乳
□4It is impossible to tell when the earthquake will happen.
= There is ( no )( telling  ) when the earthquake will happen.
□5Needless to say, Osamu is a great manga artist.
= It ( goes )( without  )( saying  ) that Osamu is a great manga artist.
□6I make it a rule to brush my teeth during the lunch break.
= I make a rule ( of  )( brushing ) my teeth during the lunch break.
□7We couldn’t go out because of the typhoon.
=The typhoon ( prevented )( us  )( from ) going out.


It is no use complaining about the judge.
There’s no explaining how the accident occurred.  occur : 起きる
It goes without saying that honesty is the best policy.
On hearing the news, she smiled quietly to herself.  *smile to oneself: 腹の中でわらう
I don’t feel like fixing dinner today. What do you say to eating out?  fix dinner: 会話で使う言い方です
I’m looking forward to studying with new friends at this university.
Urgent business prevented her from attending the meeting.
There is no point continuing such a fruitless argument.
There is no use doing: ~しても無駄だ continue: 続ける



  • 小中高すべて一律料金
  • 30分1コマ1,375円(税込)
  • 週2回60分授業で月あたり2万円前後
  • 兄弟レッスン無料


