
高校受動態の練習問題 英語



「be動詞+過去分詞」が基本ですが、be動詞の代わりにget, remain なども使います。










□1English is spoken in many countries.
□2The supermarket is closed at 10 p.m.
□3Was the novel written by the author?
□4Where was the party held?



□1These rooms are used today.(否定文)
□2We’re invited to the concert.(否定文)
□3The novel was written by the actor. (疑問文)
□4The party was held. (where の疑問文)
□5It was hidden under the stone. ( it をwhat に変え、疑問文に)
□6Was the record broken by Shohei? ( 下線部をwho に変える)






The result (           )(            )(                   ) shortly.
The meeting (           )(           )(           )(            )(             ) in Osaka.
He (           )(            )(                ) now.
Children (          )(          )(            )(             ) from danger.
He (            )(           )(            )(            ) as a hero.
The sheep (           )(             ) sheared.







□1Santa Claus gives children wonderful presents.
⇒Children (          )(           ) wonderful presents (           ) Santa Claus.
⇒Wonderful presents (            )(            )(           ) children (             ) Santa Claus.
□2His grandmother made John this cake.
⇒This cake (          )(            )(            ) John (           ) his grandmother.
□3My classmates call this dog Ichiro.
⇒This dog (          )(            ) Ichiro (          ) my classmates.



( this room / clean / Tom / kept / cleaned / by / is ).
( given / this doll / to / my grandmother / by / me / is / was ).
( taught / by / the method / I / to / was / my friend ).
( was / me / this guitar / made / for / to ).
( called / by / this flower / in English / is / what )?



The athlete (             )(              ).
Daniel (             )(             ) from the job.  fired : 解雇される
One Piece (          )(             ) somewhere in this island.
Please (            )(               ) during the performance.
She (           )(             ) to that man.
They (             )(              ) in the woods.



□1They say that she is the most popular singer in the U.S.
⇒ It (          )(           )(              ) she is the most popular singer in the U.S.
⇒ She (           )(           )(            ) be the most popular singer in the U.S.
□2We know the singer was born in Okinawa.
⇒ It (           )(            )(            ) the singer was born in Okinawa.
⇒ The singer (            )(             )(              )(             )(              ) from Okinawa.



□1 speak to (                        )  □2take care of (                    )
□3speak well of (                   )   □4put off (                    )
□5look up to (                   )    □6look after (                    )
□7do away with (                 )  □8deal with (                    )
□9carry out (                 )       □10 rely on (                    )



The meeting (           )(            ) off for a week.
The boy (           )(               )(              ) of (            ) his grandmother.
The plan (           )(            )(              ) out steadily.
The issue will (           )(            )(              ) later.
He (          )(           )(            ) on.
The dog (           )(             )(            ) of (              ) my neighbor.
Mr. Suzuki (           )(             )(           ) of (            ) female students.



The soccer player (           )(              )(             ) many people in the world.
They (          )(             )(             ) a shower on their way home.
My heart (            )(             )(             ) joy.



We (           )(                )(              ) the newsflash.
I (          )(                 )(              ) Shinkai Makoto’s new movie.
She (          )(              )(            ) the change in her appearance.
The girl (            )(               )(             ) a big strawberry on the cake.
I (            )(               )(              ) the result of the test.
She (           )(               )(              ) me.
The train (             )(              ) by heavy snow.
My brother (             )(            )(            ) the war.
He (           )(              )(            ) the accident.
Our team (            )(              ) in the semi-final.
The men who (             )(               )(             ) black made him take medicine.
He (          )(            )(            ) Chicago in 1980.
The street (          )(              ) with tourists.
Please (           )(              ).



This historical novel (            )(              )(              ) Conan Doyle.
A lot of houses (          )(             )(           ) the typhoon.
This work (           )(           )(            ) next week.
Butter (           )(           )(            ) in the refrigerator.
Mt. Fuji (           )(            )(            ) from the window.
He (          )(            )(             ) as the mayor twice.
(            )(            )(               ) in the meeting?
(             )(            ) the telephone (                )(              )?
He (           )(           )(             )(             ) his friend.
(            )(            )(            )(              ) Da Vinci is one of the best artists in the world.
The hill (          )(            )(           ) colorful flowers.



A public opinion survey ( the government / out / was / by / carried ).
His son ( school / got / on / injured / way / to / the ).
We ( the / were / excellent / satisfied / dinner / with ).
He ( at / was / of / disappointed / the experiment / the failure ).
The cartoon character ( the children / Japan / known / throughout / to / is ).
( made / is / his head / from / bread / of ).
These old rules ( once / be / away / at / should / done / with ).



□1Modern soccer is said (           ) in England, where it has traditionally been called “football”.
① being born  ② having been born  ③ to be born  ④ to have been born
□2I (           ) the pearl ring for 3,000 dollars by the old woman.
① offered  ② have offered  ③ was offering ④ was offered
□3Everyone (           ) at the news that a lion had run away from the zoo.
① terrifies  ② terrified  ③ was terrifying ④ was terrified
□4A: Has this shirt (           ) yet?
B: No, I haven’t ironed it yet.
① ironed  ② been ironing  ③ been ironed  ④ being ironed
□5The teacher wondered if the main point (          ) clear to all of the students.
wonder if SV :~かしらと思う
① was making  ② was made  ③ was made to  ④ made
□6Each winter, a snow festival (           ) in Sapporo, to the delight of residents and tourists.
① is take place  ② is taken place  ③ takes place  ④ took place
*delight : 喜び resident : 住民
□7My friend said that she (             )  at her son-in-law’s thoughtless deeds.
① greatly annoyed  ② was greatly annoyed  ③ has greatly annoyed  ④ was greatly being annoyed
* son-in-law : 義理の息子 deed: 行い







ざっくり一般の人々をさす場合、we, you they, people, を使います。
Japanese is spoken in Japan
⇒ We speak Japanese in Japan.

□1They speak English in many countries.
□2They close the supermarket at 10 p.m.
□3Did the author write the novel? (過去形に注意)*author: 著者
□4Where did you(they) hold the party? (過去形、疑問文なので weは不自然 )


・肯定文:The book(S) was written(V) by him(M).
・疑問文:Was(V) the book(S) written(V’) by him(M)?
・疑問詞が主語: What(S) was written(V) by him(M)?⇒肯定文と同じ語順
・疑問詞の多く:Who(M) was(V) the book(S) painted(V’) by? ⇒疑問文と同じ語順


□1These rooms are not used today.
□2We’re not invited to the concert.
□3Was the novel written by the actor?
受動態の疑問文は、be動詞+S+done ~? の語順が基本
□4Where was the party held?
□5What was hidden under the stone?
□6Who was the record broken by?
(= By whom was the record broken?)
主語はthe record 。



□1He wasn’t employed by the company.
□2Was the thief arrested?
□3What was decided at the meeting?
What (S) was(V) decided(C) at the meeting(M)?
□4Where was my bicycle found?
Where(M) was(V) my bicycle(S) found(C)
□5Who was this picture painted by?
Who(M) was(V) this picture(S) painted(C) by?



・未来形:be going to+ be done, will + be done
・進行形:be being done
・現在完了:have been done
・助動詞:canなど + be done

□1The result ( will )(  be  )( announced   ) shortly.
予定がわからない未来 will +受動態 be done announce :発表する
□2The meeting (  is   )(  going   )(   to    )(   be   )(   held    ) in Osaka.
予定されている未来be going to+受動態 be done
□3He (  is  )(  being   )(  interviewed   ) now. interview: 面接をする
be being done: 進行形の受動態
□4Children (  have  )(    to    )(   be  )(  protected  ) from danger.
□5He (  used  )(    to    )(    be   )(   praised    ) as a hero.
used to +be done       praise: ほめる
□6The sheep (   has    )(    been  ) sheared.
have been done: 現在完了の受動態 shear: 毛を刈る



□1This magazine can be bought at any bookstore.
□2Pets cannot be kept in this apartment.
can not be done : not はcan の直後
□3The house is being painted now.
is being done : 進行形の受動態
□4The hotel is going to be opened next month.
be going to+ be done:未来形の受動態
□5This video has been seen by millions of people.
millions of ~ : 百万もの
have been done: 現在完了の受動態





He(S) gave(V) me(O) a bike(O)
⇒I(S) was given(V) a bike(O) by him.
⇒A bike(S) was given(V) to me by him.
She(s) made(V) him(O) this cake(O).
⇒This cake(S) was made(V) for him by her.
5,call 型
We(s) call(V) him(O) Ken(C). him= Ken
⇒He(s) is called(V) Ken(C) by us.
5,keep O 形容詞 型
He(S) kept(V) the room(O) clean(C).
⇒The room(s) was kept(V) clean(C).
5,make O do 型 ⇒ be made to do 
He(S) made(V) us(O) clean(C) the room.
⇒We(S) was made (V) to clean(C) the room.



□1Santa Claus gives children wonderful presents.
⇒Children (  are  )(  given   ) wonderful presents (    by     ) Santa Claus.
⇒Wonderful presents (  are   )(   given   )(     to    ) children (       by      ) Santa Claus.
□2His grandmother made John this cake.
⇒This cake (   was   )(   made   )(    for     ) John (      by   ) his grandmother.
□3My classmates call this dog Ichiro.
⇒This dog (    is    )(    called    ) Ichiro (     by   ) my classmates.



□1This room is kept clean by Tom. (cleaned が不要)
□2This doll was given to me by my grandmother. ( is が不要)
□3I was taught the method by my friend. (to が不要)
□4This guitar was made for me. ( to が不要)
□5What is this flower called in English? (by が不要)


第2文型で使える動詞⇒ be 動詞の代わりにできる
get ( なる)、grow(なる)、remain(ままである)、lie(ままである)


The athlete (   got     )(   injured    ).
Daniel (   got      )(  fired   ) from the job.  fired : 解雇される
One Piece (   lies   )(  hidden   ) somewhere in this island.
Please (  remain    )(   seated    ) during the performance.
She (   got    )(   married   ) to that man.
They (   got    )(   lost   ) in the woods.




They say that S V の書き換え
⇒ It is said that S V
⇒ S is said to V

□1They say that she is the most popular singer in the U.S.
⇒ It (  is   )(  said  )(   that   ) she is the most popular singer in the U.S.
⇒ She (  is    )(  said   )(   to    ) be the most popular singer in the U.S.


They say(現在) that S did (過去)の場合
⇒ S is said to have done

□2We know the singer was born Okinawa.
⇒ It (   is   )(   known   )(   that   ) the singer was born Okinawa.
⇒ The singer (   is   )(  known   )(     to   )(   have    )(    been   )  born Okinawa.



□1 speak to (     に話しかける   )  □2take care of (    の世話をする   )
□3speak well of (    のことをよく言う    )   □4put off (   延期する    )
□5look up to (   を尊敬する    )    □6look after (   の世話をする     )
□7do away with (   を廃止する  )  □8deal with (     を扱う     )
□9carry out (   を実行する    )       □10 rely on (     に頼る      )

She took care of the baby. ⇒ The baby was taken care of by her.



The meeting (  was  )(   put   ) off for a week.
The boy (   is  )(   taken   )( care ) of (    by    ) his grandmother.
The plan (     is    )(    being    )(   carried    ) out steadily.
The issue will (    be    )(   dealt   )(    with    ) later.
He (  can   )(    be    )(    relied   ) on.
The dog (   was     )(    taken   )(   care   ) of (    by      ) my neighbor.
Mr. Suzuki (    is    )(    spoken   )(      well     ) of (    by   ) female students.


4,空欄補充(by 以外の受動態)

The soccer player (   is      )(  known  )(   to    ) many people in the world.
They (  were    )(   caught    )(     in    ) a shower on their way home.
My heart (   was   )(    full    )(    of     ) joy.



We (   were  )(   surprised   )(     at    ) the newsflash.
I (   was    )(   disappointed   )(   with    ) Shinkai Makoto’s new movie.
She (   was   )(   shocked   )(   by    ) the change in her appearance.
The girl (   was     )(   pleased   )(   with   ) a big strawberry on the cake.
I (    am   )(   satisfied    )(   with    ) the result of the test.
She (    is       )(   worried   )(  about    ) me.
The train (    was     )(    delayed     ) by heavy snow.
My brother (    was   )(  killed   )(    in    ) the war.
He (   was     )(   injured   )(    in   ) the accident.
Our team (   was     )(   defeated   ) in the semi-final.
The men who (  were     )(   dressed   )(    in     ) black made him take medicine.
He (   was       )(    born  )(     in   ) Chicago in 1980.
The street (    was    )(    crowded    ) with tourists.
Please (    be       )(     seated     ).




This historical novel (   was    )(   written    )(    by      )  Conan Doyle.
A lot of houses (  were    )(   destroyed    )(    by    ) the typhoon.
This work (  will    )(    be   )(  finished   ) next week.
Butter (  should    )(   be   )(  kept    ) in the refrigerator.  refrigerator : 冷蔵庫
Mt. Fuji (  can   )(    be    )(   seen    ) from the window.
He (  has    )(   been   )(   elected   ) as the mayor twice.
elect : 選挙で選ぶ
(  What   )(   was   )(  discussed  ) in the meeting?
(   Who   )(   was    ) the telephone (   invented    )(    by    )?
He (  is    )(   called    )(  Ken     )(   by   ) his friend.
(   It   )(   is     )(  said   )(   that    ) Da Vinci is one of the best artists in the world.
The hill (   is    )(  covered  )(  with   ) colorful flowers.



A public opinion survey was carried out by the government.
His son got injured on the way to school.
We were satisfied with the excellent dinner.
He was disappointed at the failure of the experiment.
The cartoon character is known to the children throughout Japan.
His head is made of bread.
These old rules should be done away with at once.



□1Modern soccer is said (    4       ) in England, where it has traditionally been called “football”.
① being born  ② having been born  ③ to be born  ④ to have been born
They say that の受動態 「言われている」は現在形 「生まれた」のはより古い話なので、完了形にします
□2I (     4      ) the pearl ring for 3,000 dollars by the old woman.
① offered  ② have offered  ③ was offering ④ was offered
□3Everyone (     4      ) at the news that a lion had run away from the zoo.
① terrifies  ② terrified  ③ was terrifying ④ was terrified
be terrified at : に恐怖を感じる 感情を表す言葉は、受動態が基本です。
□4A: Has this shirt (     3      ) yet?
B: No, I haven’t ironed it yet.
① ironed  ② been ironing  ③ been ironed  ④ being ironed
□5The teacher wondered if the main point (     2    ) clear to all of the students.
wonder if SV :~かしらと思う
① was making  ② was made  ③ was made to  ④ made
第5文型の受動態 make O 形容詞 ⇒ O is made 形容詞
□6Each winter, a snow festival (     3     ) in Sapporo, to the delight of residents and tourists.
① is take place  ② is taken place  ③ takes place  ④ took place
take place :(イベントが)行われる take placeは be held と違い、受動態にしません。
*delight : 喜び resident : 住民
□7My friend said that she (      2       )  at her son-in-law’s thoughtless deeds.
① greatly annoyed  ② was greatly annoyed  ③ has greatly annoyed  ④ was greatly being annoyed
be annoyed : にイライラする これも感情を表す表現です。
* son-in-law : 義理の息子 deed: 行い


