*英検®は、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の登録商標です。
*このコンテンツは、公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会の承認や推奨、その他の検討を受けたものではありません。
内容 | 課題で求められている内容(意見とそれに沿った理由)が含まれているかどうか |
構成 | 英文の構成や流れがわかりやすく論理的であるかどうか |
語彙 | 課題にふさわしい語彙を正しく使えているか |
文法 | 文構造のバリエーションやそれらを正しく使えているか |
- 内容がTopicとまったく関係ない。
- 英語にない単語を使う(karate, kimonoのような日本語)
- 自分の意見に反対の意見が含まれている。
- 理由について補足の説明がない。
Today, some people say that plastic waste in the ocean will increase more than fish in the future. Do you agree with this opinion?
1, Yes, I think that plastic waste will be larger than fish in the future.
2, One reason is that It is very difficult to collect plastic waste in the vast ocean.
3, Once people throw them away, they will break into small pieces we can’t find.
4, Also, Cleaning the ocean and recycling plastic waste costs us a lot of money.
5, It will take many centuries to solve its pollution, but most of us don’t want to pay for it.
6, Therefore, I’m sure that people can’t tackle this serious issue.
主張1 | Topicに賛成か反対かを書きます。 |
理由1 | 1つめの理由を挙げます。 |
具体例1 | 理由1の具体的な例や、補足する事実を補います。 |
理由2 | 2つめの理由を挙げます。 |
具体例2 | 理由2の具体的な例や、補足する事実を補います。 |
まとめ | 理由1,2,から自分の主張をもう1度書きます。 |
Yes, I think that plastic waste will increase more than fish in the future.
Do you think ~? とTopicで尋ねられているから、I think that ~ / I don’t think that ~の2パターンが楽です。
賛成 | 反対 |
I believe ~ | I do not believe ~ |
In my opinion, ~ | In my opinion, ~(反対意見でも使えます) |
People ( they ) should ~ | People ( they ) should not ~ |
I agree with the opinion that ~ | I disagree with the opinion that ~ |
One reason is that it is very difficult to collect plastic waste in the vast ocean.
「vast:広大な」という単語が思いつかなくても、in the ocean でも大丈夫です。
1つ目の理由は~ |
First, ~ |
One reason is that ~ |
First of all, ~ |
To begin with, ~ |
Once people throw them away, they will break into small pieces we can’t find.
for example | 文頭に使うことができる |
for instance | |
such as | 文頭に使えない |
for example は1回までにしてください。2回以上は減点されます。
接続詞 if, when, because, など、英文を長くするするのにおすすめです。
Also, Cleaning the ocean and recycling plastic waste costs us a lot of money.
理由2つ目は、Second, Also, などディスコマーカー(接続詞的なもの)を使います。
It will take many centuries to solve its pollution, but most of us don’t want to pay for it.
ちなみに、but やhoweverは要約問題以外で用いない方が安全です。
pollution :汚染、など書ける単語がたくさんあると、同じ単語の繰り返しをさけられます。
Therefore, I’m sure that people can’t tackle this serious issue.
結論のバリエーション |
So, (だから) |
Therefore, (だから) |
hence, (それゆえに) |
Thus, (こうして) |
For these reasons, (これらの理由から) |
As a result, (結果として) |
In summary, (つまり) |
In conclusion, (結論として) |
For these reasons mentioned above, (これらの理由に言及したうえで) |
I think that ~は、I believeの他、I’m sure that ~、I’m convinced that ~もあります。
最後のthat 以下は、it is 形容詞 to 不定詞の文にすることでも字数を増やせます。
First, ~
For example, ~
Second, ~
For instance, ~.
So, I think that ~.
英作文の練習をすると、無意識に you can を2~3回繰り返してしまいがちです。
繰り返しがちな表現 | 言い換え表現 |
You can (you が一般の人を指す場合) | You are able to do |
you have a chance to do ( have an opportunity to ) | |
It is possible for you to do | |
There is a possibility that you do | |
for example, | for instance, (使い方は for exampleと同じ) |
such as (文の途中) | |
like (文の途中) |
主語が I , you ばかりになったり、when, because, if を使いすぎたりしていませんか。
It is difficult to do ~. (~するのは難しい) | It is difficult for young children to start studying English. (幼い子供が英語の勉強を始めるのは、難しい) |
there are many things ~. (~がたくさんある) | There are many things to learn in young children. (幼い子供には覚えるべきことがたくさんある。) |
Doing is good for ~. (~することは~によい) | Recycling paper is good for the environment. (紙をリサイクルすることは環境によい。) |
is harmful to (~に有害である) | is bad for の上位互換です。toなのに注意 Making plastic products disposable is harmful to the environment. (プラスチック製品を使い捨てにすることは、環境に有害です) |
is beneficial for (~に有益である) | is good for の上位互換です。 Reducing fat and sugar in daily meals is beneficial for your health. (毎日の食事で脂肪と砂糖を減らすことは、健康に有益です) |
Doing helps 人 do(~することは人が~するのに役立つ) | It is convenient , useful の上位互換です。 Getting daily exercise helps people reduce the risk of disease. (毎日運動することは人々が病気のリスクを減らすのに役立つ) |
名詞 keeps 人 from doing (名詞のために人々が~することを防ぐ) | helpの逆の表現です。 Spending time with animals keeps people from getting a disease. (動物と過ごすことで、人々は病気になることを防ぐ) |
cause, bring, lead to, (引き起こす) | これも無生物主語です。 Using electronic devices for so long causes children to lose their concentration. (電子機器を長時間使用することで、子供たちは集中力をなくします) |
have an impact on (に影響を与える) | 主語は無生物です。 Education has an impact on children’s lives. (教育は子どもの人生に影響を与える) |
play an important role in (に重要な役割を果たす) | Computers play an important role in our society. (コンピュータは私たちの社会で重要な役割をはたしている) |
become aware of (に気づく) | People are becoming more aware of this serious issue. (人々はこの深刻な問題をますます意識するようになっている) |
I ( ) ( )( ) opinion that more plastic garbage ( ) be in the sea.
( )( )( ), ( ) and ( ) plastic garbage ( ) into the sea.
I ( )( )( ) opinion that more plastic garbage ( ) be in the sea.
( )( )( ), People ( )( ) plastic waste in the sea.
( )( )( ), we ( )( ) even a day ( ) plastic products.
( )( )( ), Japan is one of ( )( ) dependent on plastic products countries in the world.
( ), people ( )( ) interested in the sea pollution problem.
( )( ) is ( ) we ( ) reduce plastic straws and bags recently.
We are ( ) on plastic products ( ) they are ( ) into various things cheaply and easily.
If we ( )( ) stop using plastic products, our economy ( ) be ( ).
Especially, We were ( )( )( ) the turtle injured by plastic garbage.
This is because ( ) of us ( ) changed our mind about them.
Also, it is ( ) to ( ) all the plastic garbage in the sea.
Also, we ( ) Recycling the plastic waste ( ) our fortune.
Second, the government and some companies ( ) taken ( ) to reduce them.
Also, ( )( ) so many countries ( ) people like to eat seafood.
( ) pieces of them are ( )( ) we can find.
( ) waste are ( ), and others are ( ).
For example, ( ) plastic bottles are ( ) and recycled.
People are interested ( ) sea life ( )( ) their food cultures.
For ( )( ), I ( ) believe that people are able to ( ) polluting the sea.
( ), I ( )( ) that we can ( ) sea life at the ( ) of our economy.
( ), we ( ) also ( ) how to ( ) other plastic garbage efficiently.
( )( )( ), I’m sure that the sea ( ) will be ( ) by ( ) people’s minds.
I agree with the opinion that more plastic garbage will be in the sea.
In my opinion, more and more plastic garbage gets into the sea.
I disagree with the opinion that more plastic garbage will be in the sea.
In my opinion, People can reduce plastic waste in the sea.
To begin with, we can’t live even a day without plastic products.
First of all, Japan is one of the most dependent on plastic products countries in the world.
First, people have got interested in the sea pollution problem.
One reason is that we could reduce plastic straws and bags recently.
one of the 最上級:最も~なうちの1つ
be dependent on : に頼っている
have got interested in : に興味を持つようになった
We are dependent on plastic products because they are made into various things cheaply and easily.
If we were to stop using plastic products, our economy would be destroyed ( collapsed ).
Especially, We were shocked to see the turtle injured by plastic garbage.
This is because each of us has changed our mind about them.
be made into:に加工される
if S were to do, S would do. :仮に~するなら、Sは~するだろう(仮定法の表現)
destroy: 破壊する、collapse:崩壊する
turtle:ウミガメ、injured: 負傷された(分詞)
this is because: これは~だからだ(because が単独で使えます)
each: それぞれ(単数扱いにします)
Also, it is impossible to collect all the plastic garbage in the sea.
Also, we hate Recycling the plastic waste costs our fortune.
Second, the government and some companies have taken measures to reduce them.
Also, there are so many countries where people like to eat seafood.
モノ cost fortune: モノは多額の費用がかかる、fortune: 財産
take a measure: 措置を講じる、政策をとる
country where ( = in which ) people like ~:~するのが好きな国(関係副詞)
Some pieces of them are smaller than we can find.
Much waste are buried, and others are burned.
For example, most plastic bottles are collected and recycled.
People are interested in sea life to protect their food cultures.
burry: うめる、burn:もやす
For these reasons, I don’t believe that people are able to stop polluting the sea.
So, I don’t believe that we can save sea life at the expense of our economy.
Therefore, we can also find how to recycle other plastic garbage efficiently.
As a result, I’m sure that the sea environment will be protected by changing people’s minds.
pollute: 汚染する
at the expense of :を犠牲にして
efficiently: 効率的に
英作文のチェックには、Ginger と Grammarly を使いました。